Letter of 7 July 1956
Under separate cover, I am sending you the latest design
of Mr. Teuto Rocholl, which has been carefully reviewed by
the Beloved Guardian.
Also enclosed in the same package is a design for the
German Temple, prepared by Mr. Charles Remey, which
likewise has been very carefully reviewed by the Guardian.
The Guardian feels that the German National Assembly
may now make their selection from either of these two, of
the design for the German Temple. He says you are free to
chose either Mr. Rocholl’s or Mr. Remey’s design.
In making your selection, you must of course, bear in
mind the cost factor; that the building should not cost more
than $300,000.
As soon as you have made your decision, will you please
cable me so I can inform the Guardian.
The Guardian assures you of his prayers—and sends his
loving Greetings….