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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 1)

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1982 edition
  • Pages:
  • 311
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Pages 37-38

Letter of 14 June 1930

14 June 1930
Dear Dr. Mühlschlegel:
Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 31–5-30. Concerning his translation of the Íqán, Shoghi Effendi has finished it, but it needs going over and retyping, and this he cannot as before summer. By the next autumn he believes it will be ready for publication.
Shoghi Effendi would therefore advise you to wait until then before you take any decision as to your German translation.
Shoghi Effendi much appreciates the service you are rendering. The Íqán is the most important book written on the spiritual significance of the Cause. I do not believe any person can consider himself well versed in the teachings unless he has studied it thoroughly. To publish it therefore in a comprehensive German will be one of the greatest services rendered to the Cause in that land…
In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings and best wishes…. 38
[From the Guardian:]
My dear co-worker:
I trust that the day will soon come when you will be able to visit Persia and meet the Bahá’ís and visit the shrines of the martyrs. I pray that the Beloved may guide your steps, cheer your heart and bless your efforts.
Your true brother,