Your letter dated August 22nd, which you all joined in
signing, has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he
has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
He was indeed happy to see that so many of the friends
were present, and is sure it was a great inspiration and joy
for all.
The thoughts of all the Bahá’ís everywhere are now
centered on achieving the goals of our glorious World
Spiritual Crusade, and the Guardian assures you of his
prayers that you may become assisted to perform nobly
your part, whatever it may be, in the present stage of this
great Crusade….
[From the Guardian:]
May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh continually guide your
steps, inspire and strengthen you, remove every obstacle
from your path, and graciously assist you to lend an
unprecedented impetus to the all-important teaching work
in that promising country,