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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 1)
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1982 edition
Pages: 311
Pages 82-84   

Letter of 10 May 1936 (Convention)

10 May 1936 (Convention)
Dear Friends and co-workers,
Dr. Mühlschlegel has kindly transmitted to the Guardian your very warm message, and he has read it with greatest pleasure and satisfaction, and felt deeply touched at the 83 assurances of devotion and loyalty which you have been moved in conveying to him. He highly appreciates the sentiments you have expressed, and fully reciprocates your greetings and good wishes. He has been very much impressed indeed at the large number of the attendants of this year’s Convention, and hopes that in the years to come that number will continue increasing.
The Annual Convention is indeed a very important gathering at which both delegates and visitors should try their very best to be present. It is a splendid and unique opportunity for the believers to come together and deliberate on the vital and pressing issues facing the Cause. It is for this reason, and also because the Convention is the sole body entrusted with the election of the N.S.A., that the friends, and particularly the delegates, should make every effort to take part in the deliberations and discussions of that annual gathering.
With most loving greetings, and sincere good wishes from the Guardian to you all….
[From the Guardian:]
Dearly beloved friends:
The Convention of the German believers marks another milestone in the notable progress achieved in recent years by the German Bahá’í Community. My heart is filled with gratitude for the manifold evidences of the tenacity of faith, the collective efforts, the consolidated unity, the administrative accomplishments and the spiritual fervour so strikingly displayed by its members. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, whose special care, love and solicitude for the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in that promising country, most of you have recognized and no doubt still remember, is truly proud of your accomplishments and is well-pleased with the spirit that so powerfully animates you in His service. His spirit 84 will continue to overshadow you in your labours and to sustain and guide you in your exertions. Persevere and be confident.
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