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Letter of 24 October 1947 |
Your letters to our beloved Guardian, dated Dec. 4th,
1946, Jan. 6th, March 19th, June 15th, Aug. 27th and
Sept. 28th, 1947, have all been received, and he has
instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He has also
received a letter, on behalf of your secretary, written by Dr.
Köller-Jager, and enclosing an English translation of your
minutes. This was dated March 13th.
He is extremely pleased to see the way the Cause is
spreading in Germany, and the steady growth in the number
of the assemblies there. This would be a remarkable
achievement under normal circumstances, but in view of the
weakened state of the health of the Bahá’ís and the
hardships they and their countrymen are undergoing, it is
little short of heroic. The Bahá’ís everywhere are watching
the labours of their German brothers and sisters with deep
Concerning your question about forming Spiritual
Assemblies this year as soon as circumstances permit, and
without waiting until April 21st, 1948: he does not think
this advisable. In order to encourage the German friends, so
long oppressed and prevented from serving, he made an
exception last year, but this year he feels all assemblies
should wait until April to hold their elections. He has
recently advised the European Teaching Committee to do
likewise, as some of the pioneers were eager to form
assemblies as soon as 9 Bahá’ís existed in a city of one of the
goal countries!
Regarding the publication of books for use in Germany in
Switzerland: he feels that this is out of the question at
present, owing to the fact that the exchange of Persian into
Swiss money, (providing it could be made at all), would be
prohibitively expensive. You would lose far too much this
way. He, therefore, suggests that you get in touch with Mr.
David Hofman of England, who is a publisher in a small
way, and very anxious to be of help in printing Bahá’í
Literature. He is a member of the British N.S.A., and if you
arrange some satisfactory way of having him print books or
booklets for you, it will be easier and cheaper to transfer
some of the money from Ṭihrán, for this purpose, to
England. The Guardian has already written Mr. Hofman he
favours his doing this, if you and he can agree.
Unfortunately, owing to the fall in the value of the
pound, the conversion of Persian money into American
dollars involves considerable loss. In view of this the
Guardian is going to instruct Mr. Varqá in Ṭihrán to send
to the American N.S.A. five hundred pounds for the
purpose of buying Care Packages, which will be sent to you
for your use in securing the National Headquarters.
There is, in the special Fund held in Ṭihrán on behalf of
your assembly, about ten thousand pounds. He feels you
should spend a third of this on your National Headquarters.
But, as mentioned above, he advises you to try and go ahead
with the preliminary arrangements through using five
hundred pounds in Care packages, and thus not lose too
much of this money through the poor exchange at this time.
The spirit which the entire body of the German believers
have displayed, despite the hardships and trials which they
have heroically endured, and are still enduring, is a
magnificent example to their fellow-workers in both the
East and the West, a source of great inspiration to me, and a
magnet that will powerfully attract the blessings of the
Almighty. My thoughts, though I myself am immersed in an
ocean of work and preoccupations, often turn in loving
admiration and gratitude to those who, for more than a
decade, have in the face of constant peril, held fast to the
Faith of God, who have survived the greatest ordeal that has
ever afflicted the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in the West, and who
are now forging ahead, united, resolved and consecrated, in
the path leading to still greater victories.
I rejoice to learn of the preliminary steps that are being
taken to enable the dearly beloved and highly promising
German Bahá’í Community to own its first National
Hazíratu’l-Quds in the heart of that sorely-tried country.
The utmost effort should be exerted to complete the present
negotiations, and to initiate the national activities in that
centre. I will, for my part, assist in any way possible, your
assembly, in the historic enterprise which it has launched,
and feel confident that the Beloved will bless your efforts,
fulfil your highest expectations in this vital sphere of Bahá’í
The dissemination of Bahá’í literature, is moreover, a
matter of vital importance, which must be promoted by
every means at your disposal. The multiplication of Bahá’í
centres, the formation of new assemblies, the consolidation
of newly-established groups, constitute, likewise, the
primary objective of your assembly, demanding constant
exertion, watchfulness and guidance on your part, as well as
full support and still greater sacrifice by the rank and file of
the believers.
The promotion of the interests of the Austrian believers,
owing to their proximity to your country, their past
association with you and their practical isolation from the
Bahá’í centres in East and West, should be regarded as one
of your outstanding tasks, and I trust that every obstacle
will be surmounted, enabling you to enrich thereby the
record of your distinguished services to the Faith of
The path you are treading is hard and stony and beset
with many pitfalls. The tasks you are called upon to
discharge are varied, complex, urgent and gigantic. The
resources at your disposal are meagre. The hour, however,
for raising the call of Bahá’u’lláh is propitious. The hearts of
your countrymen, prepared by bewilderment and suffering,
are ready to respond to His message. You stand at the
threshold of a new and glorious era in the evolution of His
Faith in that land. The opportunities of the present hour are
priceless and may never recur again. Time is pressing. The
eyes of your fellow-workers in both Hemispheres are fixed
upon you. Our beloved Master who showered, through His
visit and His messages to you, so much love and
encouragement and so many blessings, is watching over you
from on high, ready to sustain your efforts and lead you on
to victory.
That you may rise to still greater heights of heroism, that
you may discharge befittingly your sacred responsibilities,
that you may adorn the annals of your Faith with still
greater evidences of your devotion, courage and
perseverance, that you may achieve your high destiny as the
torch-bearers of the light of Divine Guidance to the
neighbouring countries in that continent, is the object of my
fervent prayers at the holy shrines, and the dearest wish of
my heart.