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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 2)
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1985 edition
Pages: 133
Page 100   

Letter of 22 April 1951

22 April 1951
Bahá’í Youth Committee of Germany and Austria
He hopes that the German youth, in spite of the fact that they now have Persian co-workers in their midst, will consider that the work in Germany is their responsibility, primarily, and not the responsibility of foreign students, whether they be Persians, Americans, or from any other nation.
Each country must create its own active corps of servants; and it is only right and proper that the German youth should do the lion’s share of their work, and not permit other people to do it for them. He feels that the German Bahá’í young people have made great progress during the last few years, and prays that they may continue to do so; and he urges you all to concentrate your efforts on this important branch of Bahá’í activity; namely, consolidating and strengthening the activities of the young men and women enrolled in the Cause of God in that country.
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