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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 2)
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1985 edition
Pages: 133
Pages 112-113   

Letter of 11 May 19541

11 May 1954
As regards the question you asked in your letter about a concealed group of masters in the Himalayas or anywhere else, there is no foundation whatsoever for this in the Bahá’í Writings. We as Bahá’ís must not believe in the divine origin of any such things which have not been mentioned in our own Sacred Scriptures by either the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh or the Master. 113
There is nothing whatsoever to lead us to believe that there is any foundation or truth in these mystical stories of beings that are “behind the scenes” so to speak. We must avoid such thoughts and teachings, and try to wean others away from them as we give them the Message….
He hopes that, now that a Board has been appointed by you and your fellow-Hands in Europe, the teaching work in the goal countries as well as in France and England will go forward much more rapidly; and also that the pioneers opening up the many new territories and islands in the Mediterranean and in the North Sea areas will likewise benefit greatly from the assistance this Board can give them ever increasingly.
1. to Dr. Adelbert Mühlschlegel   [ Back To Reference]
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