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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 2)
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1985 edition
Pages: 133
Page 20   

Letter of 17 September 19311

17 September 1931
He was particularly gratified to learn of your interesting visits to the different Bahá’í centres in Germany and he wishes me to assure you of their great importance for the unity of the Cause in that land.
The German believers have undoubtedly experienced a very severe trial and their faith has been tested in an unprecedented way. Their staunchness, however, has been admirable and their sincerity deeply rooted. With the exception of a few they have proven that their conversion to the Faith had a solid foundation and that it withstood all the violent storms of recent years.
Shoghi Effendi wishes you to persevere in your work and he fervently prays that the Almighty may assist you and sustain your efforts and to enable you to render great services to the Cause.
[From the Guardian:]
Dear and valued co-worker:
Your letter has indeed rejoiced my heart. I strongly feel that you should, if convenient and feasible, concentrate your efforts on Germany and help to consolidate the foundations of the Cause and increase the unity and understanding of the friends. This, I feel, is your great and special mission.
1. to Mrs. Diestelhorst   [ Back To Reference]
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