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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 2)

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1985 edition
  • Pages:
  • 133
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Pages 24-25

Letter of 25 April 1934

25 April 1934
The Bahá’ís of Esslingen
Dear Bahá’í Friends:
The Guardian has read with deep and sustained interest your beautiful message of Ap. 15th, and he was greatly touched by the 25 expressions of hope, of devotion and of loyalty which it so faithfully conveyed, and by the repeated assurances it gave of the united and continued efforts of your community to extend and consolidate the foundations of the Faith in your center. Such repeated evidences of your determination to spread the Message and of your splendid cooperation in establishing the administrative order of the Cause in Germany make him invariably think of the promises the Master did so forcefully give in regard to the future progress of the Movement in that country. May your endeavours contribute an increasing share towards the gradual realization of these promises.
Shoghi Effendi was greatly impressed by the beautiful marriage ceremony which you had organized in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bender. He hopes that through this union the bonds of cooperation and of fellowship will be further strengthened between the members of your community. His prayers for the success of your activities will continue to be offered to Bahá’u’lláh, that you may each and all be enabled to assist in the consummation of the great work He has summoned us to achieve in this Day.
[From the Guardian:]
Dearly-beloved co-workers:
Your joint and most welcome message brought infinite joy to my heart. I am delighted to learn of your hopes, your plans and activities. The summer-school is the object of my constant and fervent prayers. I cherish great hopes for its expansion in the days to come. May it become a great teaching center and may the light of this glorious Revelation radiate from it to all parts of your great and promising country.
Your true brother,