Announce to national assemblies of America, Europe, and Australia
the initiation of preliminary measures for erection of steel
framework designed to support the contemplated dome of the Báb’s
Sepulcher. Holy edifice, whose site the Founder of the Faith designated
while Himself an exile in Most Great Prison, whose central
structure the Center of His Covenant erected in the course of the turbulent
years of His ministry, whose enveloping arcade was constructed
despite internal disturbance rocking the Holy Land, is now
carried forward despite the mounting international tension through
signing of sixty-three thousand dollar contract for stonework of
octagon. Request beloved friends, collaborators in historic undertaking,
to join me in prayers for uninterrupted prosecution of work
simultaneously initiated in Italy and Holy Land designed to attain
final consummation in rearing the lofty dome, crowning unit of enterprise
so intimately associated with the Three Central Figures of
Faith linking the Heroic and Formative Ages of the Bahá’í Dispensation.
[January 4, 1951]