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Letter of 30 April 1941 |
30 April 1941
The extreme devotion to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh which the
English friends are evincing at such a time of trial and suffering
not only sets a truly heroic example to their fellow Bahá’ís the
world over, but greatly cheers and encourages the Guardian
himself, at a time when he has every reason to long to see the
Bahá’ís stand out as luminous examples to their fellow-men—thus leading them out of the valley of spiritual death into the
glorious plains of the future World Order of Mankind.
The recently received news of the Convention’s resolve to
teach the Faith as never before in those islands, and to achieve
new victories in this all-important field, meets not only with
Shoghi Effendi’s whole-hearted approval, but also evokes his
profound gratitude and admiration. His ardent and loving
prayers continually surround you all and all the sorely tried
Bahá’ís, who with you are toiling for the triumph of our Faith.
He was deeply touched at the spirit which impelled Lord
Lamington to wish to place in the hands of the Guardian that
ring which he had for so long treasured as a gift of the beloved
Master. He feels that it is only befitting that this historic relic
should be the property of the British Bahá’ís and wishes it to be
kept in your National Archives. If you could send a copy of Lady
Lamington’s letter the Guardian would very much like to have
it. Assuring you of the Guardian’s ardent love and prayers….
The message I have recently received, with the assurance it gives me
and the spirit it conveys, merits indeed the highest praise. The English
believers in these days of increasing peril and stress, are manifesting
those qualities which only those who have deeply imbibed the
transforming spirit and the ennobling principles of the Cause of God
are able to reveal. They are by their very acts, their sufferings and
exertions, and above all by the superb staunchness of their faith, laying
a magnificent foundation for the spiritual edifice their hands are
destined to raise in their native land. My prayers for them all will
surround them wherever they labour and in every sphere of their
meritorious activities.
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This was the first letter received by the British N.S.A. in which the secretarial part was written by, and signed, “R. Rabbání” (Amatu’l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum).
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