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Letter of 22 May 1941 |
I cannot adequately express to you all the warm love and
profound admiration for the Bahá’ís of those islands which
Shoghi Effendi feels. At such a time of personal danger and
anguish the spirit of pure love and devotion to the Faith and
Order of Bahá’u’lláh which they manifest, and which is so
typified by the zeal and wisdom with which your National
Spiritual Assembly is handling the affairs of the Cause in that
country, is a source of great comfort to the Guardian himself.
Indeed he feels that the N.S.A. members are bearing their load
of responsibility in a manner which lifts partially the weight of
cares from his own shoulders, and sets a noble example to all
Bahá’í administrative bodies.
In reference to your question contained in minute 208
of the
recent N.S.A. meeting: Shoghi Effendi feels that while all Bahá’ís
should be encouraged to turn to their Assembly for the solution
of their various problems, thus enabling the Spiritual Assembly
to fulfil one of its most important functions, yet they are quite
free to write to him if they feel the urge to do so….
As the dangers confronting the believers in the British Isles increase
in number and gravity, my admiration, as well as the admiration of
the Bahá’ís in East and West, for the spirit that animates those who
face them, grows deeper and acquires added intensity and fervour.
Though their numbers be small, and their activities restricted, and
their trials and anxieties manifold and oppressive, yet their spiritual
contribution through their fortitude, valour and self-sacrifice, to the
progressive unfoldment of the Faith’s latent potentialities in the
Western World is both notable and constantly increasing. As
the clouds of war dissipate, and the horrors of this universal carnage
fade away, it will become increasingly evident, to both the friends and
foes of the Faith, how solid has been the foundation which their
indomitable spirit has laid, and how rich the harvest which their
incessant labours have yielded.
With a heart brimful with love and gratitude, I will, when visiting
the Holy Shrines, recall their signal acts, and supplicate increasing
blessings on the historic work, which, in their hour of trial, they are
so magnificently achieving, for the glory, for the honour, the extension
and the establishment of the invincible Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.
1. |
This Minute recorded that: “Personal problems should not be referred to the Guardian without the advice or direction of the National Spiritual Assembly….”
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