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Unfolding Destiny

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • UK Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1981 edition
  • Pages:
  • 490
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Pages 181-183

Letter of 22 March 1946

22 March 1946
Dear Bahá’í Sister,
Your letters dated Sep. 6th and Nov. 6th 1945 and Jan. 2nd, Feb. 8th and 19th 1946, have been received together with their enclosures, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf.
He has been delighted to see, through your letter and reports sent by other Bahá’ís, that the Teaching Conference in Manchester was such a success, and he feels this marks a turning point in your Six Year Plan. Now that goal towns have been chosen, the friends must concentrate all their forces and resources on establishing Assemblies in them as soon as possible. He feels sure that once the signs of success become evident all the believers, tired and depressed after so many years of war and privation, will become vitalised with optimism and enthusiasm and drive forward unitedly towards the complete victory of their plans.
He was delighted to hear that Miss Townshend (see endnote) and Mr. Lee (see endnote) have arisen as pioneers, and he wishes you to please assure them of his special prayers for the success of their devoted labours.
He was also very happy to hear you have found a place to hold your Summer School; this is such an important Bahá’í activity 182 that even if the expenses are such as to necessitate its being subsidised by the National Fund it does not matter.
He advises you to send half of the Russian books in your possession to the Bahá’í Bureau in Geneva. Mrs. Lynch can distribute them from there, as required, to other centres.
He feels it would be an excellent means of serving the Cause and enhancing the prestige of the British Bahá’ís if you can send a delegate to the Spiritual World Congress to be held in Brussels.
We are sending … the Haifa News Letter direct from here; thank you for sending his address. The Guardian suggests if you have not already done so, that you send the address of the Dutch Bahá’í to Mrs. Lynch, so that travelling believers can be put in touch with him.
He is eagerly awaiting more good news of the progress of your Six Year Plan, and assures you all that he will ardently pray for its speedy and complete success in the Holy Shrines.
Your Assembly’s labours are very deeply appreciated….
[From the Guardian:]
Dear and valued co-workers,
The enterprise launched by the English Bahá’í community in the opening years of the second Bahá’í Century is of tremendous significance, and will, if successful, mark not only the inception of a glorious chapter in the history of the Faith in the British Isles, but will constitute a landmark in the spiritual awakening of its people. The forces which such a consummation will release none can estimate sufficiently at present. The task is colossal, but the reinforcing power of Bahá’u’lláh, who is watching over it and is ready to bless and sustain it if its prosecutors arise to play their part, is likewise immeasurable. The recent Teaching Conference is but the initial stage in this mighty, this collective, and indeed historic undertaking. The goal towns which have been selected should be regarded as the chief objectives requiring the immediate and concentrated attention of its zealous promoters. Every consideration should be subordinated to the paramount need of establishing at any cost and by every means possible, vigorously functioning assemblies at these centres. No effort should be wasted, all must arise to lend their assistance; no sacrifice is too great to ensure the completion of the first stage of this noble enterprise. Unity, perseverance, self-sacrifice, will guarantee its success. Obstacles may arise, set-backs will no doubt occur, but the 183 unconquerable spirit animating the English believers must ultimately triumph.
Your true and grateful brother,