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Letter of 5 June 1953 |
Our Beloved Guardian has been greatly encouraged by reports
reaching him from all parts of the Bahá’í World, of victories,
already gained, and plans being laid for the prosecution of the
Ten Year Crusade. He was particularly pleased to learn that
some 150 people have offered to pioneer in virgin overseas areas
at the American Convention.
These reports have evoked his awe-inspiring and soul-stirring
cablegram of May 28th,
calling for the immediate settlement
of all the 131 virgin areas of the Plan, just as quickly as possible.
He is convinced the Friends will arise and translate their
enthusiasm into Action, because the Keynote of the Crusade,
must be Action, Action, Action.
The settlement of these virgin areas is of such an emergency
nature, that he feels pioneering in one of them takes precedence
over every other type of Bahá’í service—whether it be in the
teaching or administrative fields of the Faith. So important is it
that the National Assembly may delay initiation of steps to fulfil
other phases of the Plan, until all these areas are conquered for
the Faith. Nothing, absolutely nothing, must be allowed to
interfere with the placing of pioneers in each of the 131 goal
4. The National Assembly should make it their first order of
business to follow up actively this most important task. They
must make it the first order of business at each Assembly meeting
to see that each application is being progressed rapidly. This does
not mean the special committees should not handle the details,
but it does mean the Assembly itself must review each application
at each meeting and see that the pioneer gets into the field as soon
as possible.
5. A large number of pioneers should not be sent to any one
country. One, or even two, will be sufficient for the time being.
Later on, if supplementary assistance is needed, that of course can
be taken care of. The all important thing now is to get at least
one pioneer in each of the 131 virgin areas.
7. Because there have been so many applicants in America,
the Guardian has written them that they may place their pioneers
in any virgin area in the world. His objective now is to fill these
lands yet unconquered by the Hosts of Heaven and he feels the
initial impact must be made now. Thus, from whatever sources
they come, they should be placed in the field at the earliest
possible moment. Furthermore, as the Chief Executors of
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan, He expects the Americans to bear
the brunt of the load everywhere. He has instructed the
American N.S.A. to communicate with your Assembly with
regard to pioneers to be settled in territories coming under your
assignment, as well as territories not under your assignment, but
where your Assembly can aid them in settling, particularly in
areas of the Commonwealth which are not under your
This does not mean that any administrative matters in
connection with the settlement of pioneers, etc., should be
handled with the Council. Such matters should continue to be
handled with the Guardian direct. The Council is simply to co-ordinate
reports, consolidate them, keep maps up to date, etc., for
the Guardian, and your reports will enable them to do this.
(e) The Guardian has cabled you, and at his direction I have
written the Friends in Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika of the
importance of their spreading out, and if possible sending
pioneers into the surrounding areas in Africa, such as Belgian
Congo, Ruanda Urundi, Somaliland, and even South West
Africa. He wishes you to follow up this matter closely. The
Guardian attached great importance to the Ashanti Protectorate,
and if any of the Friends can go there, particularly any Persians
you may be assisting in getting located, he will appreciate it.
As the Guardian’s dramatic cable indicates, an illuminated
“Roll of Honour” on which will be inscribed the names of the
“Knights of Bahá’u’lláh” who first enter these 131 virgin areas,
will be placed inside the entrance door of the Inner Sanctuary of
the Tomb of Bahá’u’lláh. From time to time, the Guardian will
announce to the Bahá’í World the names of those Holy Souls
who arise under the conditions outlined in his message, and settle
these areas and conquer them for Bahá’u’lláh.
Now is the Hour for the Friends everywhere to demonstrate
the spiritual vitality of the Faith, and of their devotion. There is
no time after this moment, to settle the unconquered areas. The
Guardian is sure the Friends throughout the world, and
particularly the staunch Bahá’ís in the British Isles, will arise as
one soul in many bodies, and surging ahead, cover the face of the
Earth with the Glory of the Lord.
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Announcing “Roll of Honour” for “Knights of Bahá’u’lláh” published in “Messages to the Bahá’í World, 1950–1957”, p. 48.
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