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Letter of 29 October 1926 |
29 October 1926
It will gladden and rejoice every one of you to learn that from
various quarters there has of late reached the Holy Land tidings of
fresh developments that are a clear indication of those hidden and
transforming influences which, from the source of Bahá’u’lláh’s mystic
strength, continue to flow with ever-increasing vitality into the heart
of this troubled world.
Both in the wider field of its spiritual conquests, where its
indomitable spirit is forging ahead, capturing the heights, pervading
the multitude; as well as in the gradual consolidation of the
administrative structure which its avowed followers the world over are
labouring to raise and fortify, the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, we can
increasingly discern, bids fair to become that force which, though not
as yet universally recognised, none can afford to belittle or ignore.
In the bold and repeated testimonies which Her Majesty, Queen
Marie of Rumania, has chosen to give to the world—a copy of whose
latest pronouncement I enclose—we truly recognise evidences of the
irresistible power, the increasing vitality, the strange working of a
Faith destined to regenerate the world. Her Majesty’s striking tribute
paid to the illuminative power of the Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh and
‘Abdu’l-Bahá is bound to effect an entire transformation in the attitude
of many to a Faith the tenets of which have often been misunderstood
and sorely neglected. It will serve as a fresh stimulus to the enlightened
and cultured to investigate with an open mind the verities of its
message, the source of its life-giving principles.
From Baghdád, moreover, where the sacred habitation of Bahá’u’lláh
has been violated by a relentless enemy and converted into a rallying
centre for the corrupt, the perverse, and the fanatical, there comes the
news, highly reassuring to us all, of the satisfactory progress of the
negotiations which, we are informed on high authority, will soon lead
to the expropriation of the property by the State, culminating in the
fullness of time in its occupation by the triumphant followers of God’s
holy Faith. The case of the houses, so ably presented, so persistently
pursued, above all reinforced by the vigilant and protecting power of
our departed Master, will eventually triumph, and by its repercussions
in Persia as in the world at large, will lend a powerful impetus to the
liberation of those forces which will carry the Cause to its ultimate
destiny. I will, when the occasion presents itself, inform the believers
through their respective National Spiritual Assemblies to address
messages of appreciation and gratitude to the Authorities concerned in
view of their unrelaxing efforts for the triumph of Right and Justice.
For the present, we cannot but rejoice and feel profoundly thankful
as we witness in so many directions the welcome signs of the gradual
emancipation of the struggling Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, of the increasing
recognition on the part of both the high and lowly of its universal
principles—all so rich in their promise of ultimate victory.
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Printed also in “Bahá’í Administration”.
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