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Unfolding Destiny
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: UK Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1981 edition
Pages: 490
Pages 359-360   

Letter of 13 December 1955

13 December 1955
Dear John:
This is just a note on behalf of the beloved Guardian to answer the point raised in one of your recent letters.
You say that in Irish, the word “Báb” is not appropriate to be used; and as the word “Gate” is not as nice in translation in any language, he suggests that in place of the word “Báb”, you use “Herald”….
P.S. The Guardian approves your sending “Advice to Bahá’ís in British Colonies” to other N.S.A.’s, but feels it is not necessary to send a copy to the Colonial Office itself. He feels teaching work in Uganda should now be concentrated on consolidation, primarily.
The Guardian’s decision regard Mr. … design is final; it is too extreme for any modification to render it possible as a temple…. 360
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