The Beloved Guardian has been very deeply impressed with
the latest book of our dear departed co-worker, Hand of the
Cause, George Townshend.
He feels that this Book should be used as the basis of a very
active campaign of teaching and publicity throughout the British
Publicity regarding the book should be arranged, book
reviews secured, if possible. Religious leaders should be sent
copies, even the highest Ecclesiastical leaders. Many copies should
be mailed to the important leaders of the Church of England,
and other religious denominations of the British Isles.
This book very finely presents the relationship between Christ
and Bahá’u’lláh, and outlines the manner in which the Bahá’í
Faith is setting up the Kingdom of God, which the Christians are
praying for.
The Guardian feels that very beneficial results will be achieved
by this active public programme, with this book, “Christ and
Bahá’u’lláh” even if it stirs up opposition and criticism for the
time being.
He will pray for your Assembly, and for the success of your
many labours in the Cause of God….