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Letter of 30 August 1957 |
Your communications with their enclosures and material sent
under separate cover have all arrived safely, and the beloved
Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf and to
acknowledge receipt of your letters dated: July 24, 27 and 31,
August 24, 27, and 30, September 7, 26, 27, and 28, October 5,
13 (signed by all members), and 15, November 5 (signed by
Dorothy Ferraby), and 28 (three), and December 14, 18, 27, and
28, 1956, and January 8, 16, 20 (one undated), and 22nd,
February 4, 6, 8, 11, 19, 21, 23, and 27, March 7, 8, 13, and 18
(two), May 6, 9, 21, (two), June 3, 11, 14, 19 and 25, July 12, 16,
(two), 19, 21, 26, and August 2, and 5 signed by Ernest Gregory (see endnote) .
He is immensely proud of the work which has been
accomplished during the last year, of the remarkable spirit of
dedication which animates the entire community, and which
invariably produces, at an hour of crisis, a strong and healthy
reaction on the part of the community to rush reinforcements to
its weak Assemblies, when they are in danger of dissolution.
He realises that the enforcement of the general rule that an
Assembly must function within civic limits has caused considerable
havoc in Britain, as well as other countries. However, it
enables the friends, through splitting up into smaller communities,
to have before their eyes the appetising prospect of forming
yet another Spiritual Assembly, all on their own, so to speak. It
gives more believers the opportunity to serve on these
Administrative Bodies, challenges the teaching activities of them
all, and stimulates them to fresh efforts in the hope of early
The news of the success of your Convention this year; the fact
that the community was able to manoeuvre its finances into a
position of equilibrium, a position, incidentally, which it should
make every effort to maintain; the large number of friends who
attended the beautiful memorial meeting held for the dear Hand
of the Cause, George Townshend, also pleased and encouraged
our beloved Guardian.
He was pleased to hear from Rhodesia of the incorporation of
the Salisbury Assembly, which seems to be in the nature of a
foundation for the future incorporation of all Spiritual Assemblies
throughout the Rhodesias. This is yet another valuable service
which your Assembly has been instrumental in rendering the
Faith in Africa.
As regards your question about printing in books the approval
of the National Assembly, he thinks that, if in certain
circumstances this seems inadvisable, there is no objection to
omitting it. The approval of the National Body should be sought
for all Bahá’í publications, so as to protect the Faith from
unofficially disseminating information which may in some
respects be false or inaccurate. Once this has been done, it is not
so essential for the fact to appear in the book, if it will mitigate
the effects of the book and decrease its sales….
The death of the Hand of the Cause, George Townshend, is a
great loss to the British community as it not only deprives them
of their most distinguished member, their unique Hand, but also
of a most inspiring and faithful co-worker and a distinguished
Bahá’í author. His latest book has been read with great interest
by the Guardian, and he hopes your Assembly is ensuring its
wide distribution to various religious leaders in Britain. If
opposition to the Faith can be aroused through this book, it will
be the greatest service that dear George Townshend has ever
rendered. It was always his hope that, through his pen, sparks
would fly and begin the conflagration in whose light the Faith
would shine forth in all its splendour. Let us hope that this last
service of his will indeed prove to be the vital spark setting off
this process of opposition which will inevitably lead to a wide
recognition and acceptance of the Faith.
The Guardian hopes that during the present year the home
Assemblies will not only be maintained and groups prepared for
assembly status next Riḍván, but that it will be possible to
reinforce the work in the islands off the shores of the British Isles.
The sooner a nucleus of local people is established in these goal
places the sooner will the pioneers be able to move on to new
fields and to lend their assistance to the teaching work either on
the Home Front or in the Pacific area.
As regards the future work in the Pacific: It is entirely
premature at this time for your Assembly to think about the
work there. The Home Front and the work in the neighbouring
islands around Great Britain, as well as those allotted under the
Ten Year Plan to your Assembly in the Mediterranean, must
receive the concentrated attention of your Body, its Committees
and the believers. When the time comes to become active in the
Pacific area, you may be sure he will let you know!
As to your question about the words used in the marriage
ceremony; the two versions mean practically the same thing,
and either may be used.
It is most regrettable that the Caravan should have gotten
hold of …; if this situation is stirred up too much it will only
enable Ahmad Sohrab to make a big fuss and get more publicity.
In view of this the Guardian feels your Assembly should be
watchful and seek out, if possible, a suitable person and a suitable
opportunity to call to her attention the facts that the Bahá’í Faith,
so widely spread and acknowledged, has nothing to do with the
Caravan which is a purely opportunist organisation and so
loosely knit together as to have almost no power of influencing
people one way or another. To do the wrong thing in a situation
such as this would be worse than to do nothing.
The year that has just elapsed, following upon the swift and
spectacular success achieved by the firmly grounded, the progressive
and alert British Bahá’í community in the heart of the African
Continent—a success attested by the triumphant emergence of the
Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central and East
Africa—has witnessed a progress throughout the length and breadth
of the Homefront, as well as in the northern islands in the
neighbourhood of the British Isles, which, though not spectacular,
nevertheless testifies to the earnestness, the devotion and the exemplary
tenacity with which the members of this community are conducting,
in all its aspects, the noble Mission entrusted to their care, and are
grappling with the manifold problems involved in its prosecution.
This present and crucial year must be signalised in the annals of
British Bahá’í history by a substantial measure of internal
administrative consolidation and a noticeable expansion in the all-important
teaching field, which will enable the members of this
community, now standing on the threshold of a new and brilliant
phase in the unfoldment of their Mission in foreign fields, to reinforce
and broaden the base of their future operations beyond the confines of
their native land.
The splendid work achieved, in such a short space of time, in a field
so distant, and amongst a race so alien in its background, outlook and
customs, must, if the significance of that Mission is to be properly
assessed, be regarded as only a prelude to the series of future campaigns
which the privileged members of the British Bahá’í community,
residing and firmly rooted in the heart of a far-flung Commonwealth
and Empire, will, if faithful to such a Mission, launch, in the years
ahead, in the islands of the North Sea and of the Mediterranean, as
well as in the remote territories situated in the Pacific area—campaigns
which, in their range and significance, must throw into shade the feats
performed in the African Continent.
To be enabled to rise to this occasion, to ensure the energetic, the
systematic and uninterrupted conduct of so vast and diversified an
enterprise, amidst peoples and races fully as promising, and even more
remotedly situated, and presenting them with a challenge more severe
than any which has faced them in the past, the small band of the
ardent, the high minded, the resolute followers of the Faith of
Bahá’u’lláh, charged by Destiny and by virtue of the enviable position
they occupy, with so glorious a responsibility for the future awakening
of the great masses, living under the shadow of, or whose governments
are directly associated with, the British Crown, must needs in the
years immediately ahead, acquire greater coherence, increase more
rapidly in numbers, definitely emerge from obscurity, plumb greater
depths of consecration, enrich its store of administrative experience,
become definitely self-supporting, and associate itself more closely,
through the body of its elected representatives and its future Hands,
with the National and Regional Spiritual Assemblies on the European
mainland and in all the other continents of the globe, and particularly
with the Hands already appointed in both the Eastern and Western
The rapid multiplication of isolated centres, groups and local
assemblies, particularly in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and
Eire; the incorporation of firmly grounded local spiritual assemblies;
a greater measure of publicity; a wider dissemination of Bahá’í
literature; a quick and substantial rehabilitation of the vitally
important national Fund; a firmer grasp of the essential verities of the
Faith; a more profound study of its history and a deeper understanding
of the genesis, the significance, the workings, and the present status
and achievements of its embryonic World Order and of the Covenant
to which it owes its birth and vitality—these remain the rock-bottom
requirements which alone can guarantee the opening and hasten the
advent, of that blissful era which every British Bahá’í heart so eagerly
anticipates, and the glories of which can, at present, be but dimly
Now, of a certainty, is not the time for the members of this gallant
band, so thinly spread over the length and breadth of its island home,
and reaching out, so laboriously yet so determinedly to the inhospitable
islands fringing its northern and western coasts, to dwell, however
tentatively, on the nature of the tantalising task awaiting them in the
not distant future, or to seek to probe into its mysterious, divinely
guided operation. Theirs is the duty to plod on, however tedious the
nature of the work demanding their immediate attention, however
formidable the obstacles involved in its proper execution, however
prolonged the effort which its success necessitates, until the signs of its
ultimate consummation, heralding the launching of what is sure to be
the most spectacular phase of their Mission, are clearly discerned.
A responsibility, at once colossal, sacred and highly challenging,
faces not only the body of the elected representatives of this community,
but each and every one of its members. As the world spiritual Crusade,
to the successful prosecution of which the British followers of the Faith
of Bahá’u’lláh have, singly and collectively, so markedly contributed,
approaches its mid-point, the evidences of this indispensable quickening
of the tempo of Bahá’í activity all over the British Isles and the islands
situated in their neighbourhood and far beyond their confines, must
become more manifest and rapidly multiply. The admiration and
esteem in which a community, relatively small in numbers, strictly
limited in resources, yet capable of such solid and enduring
achievements, is held by its sister and daughter communities in every
continent of the globe, far from declining must be further enhanced.
The historic process originated as far back as the year which witnessed
the formulation of the Six Year Plan on the occasion of the Centenary
of the Declaration of the Báb in Shíráz, which gathered momentum,
as a result of the inauguration of the Two Year Plan which followed
the Centenary of the Báb’s Martyrdom in Tabríz, which received a
tremendous impetus, in consequence of the launching of the Ten Year
Crusade, commemorating the centenary celebrations of the birth of
Bahá’u’lláh’s Mission in Ṭihrán—such a process must, as the
centenary celebrations designed to commemorate the Declaration of
that same Mission in Baghdád approaches, be so markedly accelerated,
and yield such a harvest, as will astonish the entire Bahá’í world, and
give the signal for the inauguration, by those who have so
spontaneously set this process in motion, more than a decade ago, of a
blissful era designed to carry the chief builders of Bahá’u’lláh’s
embryonic World Order, throughout the unnumbered, the diversified
and widely scattered Dependencies of the British Crown, to still
greater heights of achievements in the service and for the glory of His
May they, as they forge ahead along the high road leading to
ultimate, total and complete victory, receive as their daily sustenance,
a still fuller measure of the abounding grace, promised to the believers
of an earlier generation by the Centre of the Covenant, the Author of
the Divine Plan, Himself, on the occasion of His twice-repeated visit
to their shores, and which has been unfailingly vouchsafed to
themselves, in the course of over three decades, since the birth of the
Formative Age of the Faith and the rise of its Administrative Order
in their homeland.
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The two versions are: “We will all, verily, abide by the Will of God”, and “Verily we are content with the Will of God”.
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