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Letter of 28 July 1950 |
(1) Christ received the kiss of Judas, in fact He said one of His
disciples would betray Him. It is not a question of these Holy
Souls seeing the future, but of what, in Their wisdom, They
deem it necessary to accept in the Path of sacrifice. If we are
going to question the wisdom of the Prophets we can question
God’s Wisdom too, and the advisability of the whole system we
live in.
(6) This question seems to imply a lack of understanding of
love. There is very little Divine love in the world to-day, but a
great deal of intellectual reasoning, which is an entirely different
thing, and springs from the mind and not the heart. The
Martyrs—most of them died because of their love for the Báb,
for Bahá’u’lláh, and through Them for God. The veil between
the inner and outer world was very thin, and to tear it, and be
free to be near the Beloved, was very sweet. But it takes love, not
reason to understand these things. We must also remember the
Martyrs were called upon to deny their faith or die, as men of
principle they preferred to die.
(8) The Guardian feels … should study more deeply the
teachings, and meditate on what he studies. We liken God to the
Sun, which gives us all our life. So the Spirit of God reaches us
through the Souls of the Manifestations. We must learn to
commune with Their Souls, and this is what the Martyrs seemed
to have done, and what brought them such ecstacy of joy that life
became nothing. This is the true mysticism, and the secret, inner
meaning of life which humanity has at present, drifted so far