The subject you had raised with regard to the date of the
publication of the writings of Bahá’u’lláh is interesting as it is
important. If I remember correctly the same issue was raised as
an open challenge in India by some spokesman of the Ahmadiyya
sect. The earliest published writings of Bahá’u’lláh date from the
nineties of the last century. Over forty years ago the Aqdas, a
volume of general Tablets including Tarazát, I
shráqát, and others
were published in I
shqábád (Russia) and Bombay respectively
and copies of these though rare are still procurable. Simultaneously
with these, if not earlier, some of the writings of
Bahá’u’lláh were published by the Oriental Department of the
Imperial Russian University at St. Petersburgh under the
supervision of its director Baron Rosen (and more particulars
about these could be found in the books of E. G. Browne) and
these of course are not undated like some of those published in