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Unfolding Destiny
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: UK Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1981 edition
Pages: 490
Page 433   

Letter of 10 November 1934

10 November 1934
When you quote the Báb, or anyone of His disciples you should make it clear that the words attributed to them are by no means their exact words. They constitute the substance of their message, and thus are not as definite as the quoted words of Bahá’u’lláh or the Master. So, the Guardian suggests that you should either omit the quotation marks, or to specify that the passages quoted are not the exact words used by the Báb and His disciples. In the future edition of Nabíl’s Narrative a similar explanation will have to be inserted in the “Dawn Breakers”.
You state that the Christian Dispensation “was six hundred and twenty-two years old at the time of the Hegira”. The Guardian suggests that the words “at the time of the Hegira” be omitted as they may give the impression that the Revelation of Christ extended beyond the date of the Hegira.
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