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Unfolding Destiny
Author: Shoghi Effendi
Source: UK Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1981 edition
Pages: 490
Page 86   

Letter of 29 August 1929

29 August 1929
My dear Mr. Simpson,
I write on behalf of the Guardian with reference to a subject that has lately been raised by the N.S.A. of America, and referred to him—the publication of a revised edition of the “Hidden Words” in England.
Shoghi Effendi has asked me to write to America that in view of the alterations that were lately introduced through the assistance of Miss Rosenberg and Canon Townshend, a new edition of the “Hidden Words” is fully justified and he approves of it. However he does advise that such a publication should not be taken up privately but wholly undertaken by the English N.S.A. and in view of the large stock which the American N.S.A. now holds of the present edition, he would urge that the new edition should be deferred until the American N.S.A. has sold off the bulk of its present stock. In general he would greatly desire and keenly advise better co-operation and co-ordination in the work of the American and English N.S.A. with regard to publication. London, despite its small group has done great work in Bahá’í publications but they must never forget that their market lies unfortunately mainly across the Atlantic….
…I hope you have been able to go to Geneva with Mr. Mills. Yours will be an Englishman’s sober and matter of fact talk….
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