CONSIDER the manifold favours vouchsafed by the
Promised One, and the effusions of His bounty which have
pervaded the concourse of the followers of Islám to enable
them to attain unto salvation. Indeed observe how He Who
representeth the origin of creation, He Who is the Exponent
of the verse, ‘I, in very truth, am God’, identified
Himself as the Gate [Báb] for the advent of the promised
Qá’im, a descendant of Muḥammad, and in His first Book
enjoined the observance of the laws of the Qur’án, so that
the people might not be seized with perturbation by reason
of a new Book and a new Revelation and might regard
His Faith as similar to their own, perchance they would
not turn away from the Truth and ignore the thing for
which they had been called into being.