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“ALL majesty and glory, O my God, and all dominion and …” |
ALL majesty and glory, O my God, and all dominion and
light and grandeur and splendour be unto Thee. Thou
bestowest sovereignty on whom Thou willest and dost
withhold it from whom Thou desirest. No God is there but
Thee, the All-Possessing, the Most Exalted. Thou art He
Who createth from naught the universe and all that dwell
therein. There is nothing worthy of Thee except Thyself,
while all else but Thee are as outcasts in Thy holy presence
and are as nothing when compared to the glory of Thine
Own Being.
Far be it from me to extol Thy virtues save by what
Thou hast extolled Thyself in Thy weighty Book where
Thou sayest, ‘No vision taketh in Him but He taketh in all
vision. He is the Subtile, the All-Perceiving.’
Glory be
unto Thee, O my God, indeed no mind or vision, however
keen or discriminating, can ever grasp the nature of
the most insignificant of Thy signs. Verily Thou art God,
no God is there besides Thee. I bear witness that Thou
Thyself alone art the sole expression of Thine attributes,
that the praise of no one besides Thee can ever attain to
Thy holy court nor can Thine attributes ever be fathomed
by anyone other than Thyself.
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art exalted above the
description of anyone save Thyself, since it is beyond
human conception to befittingly magnify Thy virtues or to
comprehend the inmost reality of Thine Essence. Far be it
from Thy glory that Thy creatures should describe Thee
or that any one besides Thyself should ever know Thee. I
have known Thee, O my God, by reason of Thy making
Thyself known unto me, for hadst Thou not revealed Thyself
unto me, I would not have known Thee. I worship
Thee by virtue of Thy summoning me unto Thee, for had
it not been for Thy summons I would not have worshipped
Thee. Lauded art Thou, O my God, my trespasses have
waxed mighty and my sins have assumed grievous proportions.
How disgraceful my plight will prove to be in
Thy holy presence. I have failed to know Thee to the
extent Thou didst reveal Thyself unto me; I have failed to
worship Thee with a devotion worthy of Thy summons;
I have failed to obey Thee through not treading the path of
Thy love in the manner Thou didst inspire me.
Thy might beareth me witness, O my God, what
befitteth Thee is far greater and more exalted than any
being could attempt to accomplish. Indeed nothing can
ever comprehend Thee as is worthy of Thee nor can any
servile creature worship Thee as beseemeth Thine adoration.
So perfect and comprehensive is Thy proof, O my
God, that its inner essence transcendeth the description of
any soul and so abundant are the outpourings of Thy gifts
that no faculty can appraise their infinite range.
O my God! O my Master! I beseech Thee by Thy manifold
bounties and by the pillars which sustain Thy throne
of glory, to have pity on these lowly people who are
powerless to bear the unpleasant things of this fleeting life,
how much less then can they bear Thy chastisement in the
life to come—a chastisement which is ordained by Thy
justice, called forth by Thy wrath and will continue to
exist for ever.
I beg Thee by Thyself, O my God, my Lord and my
Master, to intercede in my behalf. I have fled from Thy
justice unto Thy mercy. For my refuge I am seeking Thee
and such as turn not away from Thy path, even for a
twinkling of an eye—they for whose sake Thou didst
create the creation as a token of Thy grace and bounty.
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Qur’án 6:103
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