SINCE all men have issued forth from the shadow of the
signs of His Divinity and Lordship, they always tend to
take a path, lofty and high. And because they are bereft of a
discerning eye to recognize their Beloved, they fall short
of their duty to manifest meekness and humility towards
Him. Nevertheless, from the beginning of their lives till
the end thereof, in conformity with the laws established in
the previous religion, they worship God, piously adore
Him, bow themselves before His divine Reality and show
submissiveness toward His exalted Essence. At the hour of
His manifestation, however, they all turn their gaze toward
their own selves and are thus shut out from Him, inasmuch
as they fancifully regard Him as one like unto themselves.
Far from the glory of God is such a comparison. Indeed
that august Being resembleth the physical sun, His verses
are like its rays, and all believers, should they truly believe
in Him, are as mirrors wherein the sun is reflected. Their
light is thus a mere reflection. VII, 15.