A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“THE Bayán shall constitute God’s unerring balance till the …” |
THE Bayán shall constitute God’s unerring balance till the
Day of Resurrection which is the Day of Him Whom God
will make manifest. Whoso acteth in conformity with that
which is revealed therein will abide in Paradise, under the
shadow of His affirmation and reckoned among the most
sublime Letters in the presence of God; while whoso
deviateth, were it even so much as the tip of a grain of
barley, will be consigned to the fire and will be assembled
neath the shadow of negation. This truth hath likewise been
laid bare in the Qur’án where in numerous instances God
hath set down that whoever should pass judgement contrary
to the bounds fixed by Him, would be deemed an
In these days how few are those who abide by the
standard laid down in the Qur’án. Nay, nowhere are they
to be found, except such as God hath willed. Should
there be, however, such a person, his righteous deeds would
prove of no avail unto him, if he hath failed to follow the
standard revealed in the Bayán; even as the pious deeds of
the Christian monks profited them not, inasmuch as at the
time of the manifestation of the Apostle of God—may the
blessings of God rest upon Him—they contented themselves
with the standard set forth in the Gospel.
Had the divine standard laid down in the Qur’án been
truly observed, adverse judgements would not have been
pronounced against Him Who is the Tree of divine Truth.
As it hath been revealed: ‘Almost might the heavens be
rent and the earth be cleft asunder and the mountains fall
down in fragments.’
And yet how much harder than these
mountains their hearts must be to have remained unmoved!
Indeed no paradise is more glorious in the sight of
God than attainment unto His good-pleasure. II, 6.
1. |
Qur’án 19:92
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