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Nabíl of Qá’in |
This distinguished man,
Mullá Muḥammad-‘Alí,
was one of those whose hearts were drawn to Bahá’u’lláh
before the Declaration of the Báb; it was then that he
drank the red wine of knowledge from the hands of the
Cupbearer of grace. It happened that a prince, who was
the son of Mír Asadu’lláh Khán, prince of Qá’in, was commanded
to remain as a political hostage in Ṭihrán. He was
young, far away from his loving father, and Mullá Muḥammad-‘Alí
was his tutor and guardian. Since the youth
was a stranger in Ṭihrán, the Blessed Beauty showed him
special kindness. Many a night the young prince was
Bahá’u’lláh’s guest at the mansion, and Mullá Muḥammad-‘Alí
would accompany him. This was prior to the Declaration
of the Báb.
It was then that this chief of all trusted friends was
captivated by Bahá’u’lláh, and wherever he went, spread
loving praise of Him. After the way of Islám, he also related
the great miracles which he had, with his own eyes,
seen Bahá’u’lláh perform, and the marvels he had heard.
He was in ecstasy, burning up with love. In that condition,
he returned to Qá’in with the prince.
Later on that eminent scholar, Áqá Muḥammad of
Qá’in (whose title was Nabíl-i-Akbar) was made a mujtahid,
a doctor of religious law, by the late Shaykh Murtadá;
he left, then, for Baghdád, became an ardent follower of
Bahá’u’lláh, and hastened back to Persia. The leading divines
and mujtahids were well aware of and acknowledged
his vast scholarly accomplishments, the breadth of
his learning, and his high rank. When he reached Qá’in,
he began openly to spread the new Faith. The moment
Mullá Muḥammad-‘Alí heard the name of the Blessed
Beauty, he immediately accepted the Báb. “I had the
honor,” he said, “of meeting the Blessed Beauty in Ṭihrán.
The instant I saw Him, I became His slave.”
Up to that time he had always been a close companion
of Mír Álam Khán, the Governor of Qá’in, had rendered
him important services, and had enjoyed the Governor’s
respect and trust. Now that shameless prince turned
against him in a rage on account of his religion, seized his
property and plundered it; for the Amír was terrified of
Náṣiri’d-Dín Sháh. He banished Nabíl-i-Akbar and ruined
Nabíl of Qá’in. After throwing him in prison and torturing
him, he drove him out as a homeless vagrant.
To Nabíl, the sudden calamity was a blessing, the sacking
of his earthly goods, the expulsion into the desert, was
a kingly crown and the greatest favor God could grant
him. For some time he remained in Ṭihrán, to outward
seeming a pauper of no fixed abode, but inwardly rejoicing;
for this is the characteristic of every soul who is firm
in the Covenant.
He had access to the society of the great and knew the
condition of the various princes. He would, therefore,
frequent some of them and give them the message. He was
a consolation to the hearts of the believers and as a drawn
sword to the enemies of Bahá’u’lláh. He was one of those
of whom we read in the Qur’án: “For the Cause of God
shall they strive hard; the blame of the blamer shall they
not fear.”
Day and night he toiled to promote the Faith,
and with all his might to spread abroad the clear signs of
God. He would drink and drink again of the wine of God’s
love, was clamorous as the storm clouds, restless as the
waves of the sea.
Permission came, then, for him to visit the Most Great
Prison; for in Ṭihrán, as a believer, he had become a
marked man. They all knew of his conversion; he had no
caution, no patience, no reserve; he cared nothing for
reticence, nothing for dissimulation. He was utterly fearless
and in terrible danger.
When he arrived at the Most Great Prison, the hostile
watchers drove him off, and try as he might he found no
way to enter. He was obliged to leave for Nazareth, where
he lived for some time as a stranger, alone with his two
sons, Áqá Qulám-Ḥusayn and Áqá ‘Alí-Akbar, grieving and
praying. At last a plan was devised to introduce him into
the fortress and he was summoned to the prison where they
had immured the innocent. He came in such ecstasy as
cannot be described, and was admitted to the presence of
Bahá’u’lláh. When he entered there and lifted his eyes to
the Blessed Beauty he shook and trembled and fell unconscious
to the floor. Bahá’u’lláh spoke words of loving-kindness
to him and he rose again. He spent some days
hidden in the barracks, after which he returned to Nazareth.
The inhabitants of Nazareth wondered much about
him. They told one another that he was obviously a great
and distinguished man in his own country, a notable and
of high rank; and they asked themselves why he should
have chosen such an out-of-the-way corner of the world
as Nazareth and how he could be contented with such
poverty and hardship.
When, in fulfillment of the promise of the Most Great
Name, the gates of the Prison were flung wide, and all the
friends and travelers could enter and leave the fortress-town
in peace and with respect, Nabíl of Qá’in would
journey to see Bahá’u’lláh once in every month. However,
as commanded by Him, he continued to live in Nazareth,
where he converted a number of Christians to the Faith;
and there he would weep, by day and night, over the
wrongs that were done to Bahá’u’lláh.
His means of livelihood was his business partnership
with me. That is, I provided him with a capital of three
with it he bought needles, and this was his stock-in-trade.
The women of Nazareth gave him eggs in exchange
for his needles and in this way he would obtain
thirty or forty eggs a day: three needles per egg. Then he
would sell the eggs and live on the proceeds. Since there
was a daily caravan between ‘Akká and Nazareth, he
would refer to Áqá Riḍá each day, for more needles. Glory
be to God! He survived two years on that initial outlay of
capital; and he returned thanks at all times. You can tell
how detached he was from worldly things by this one fact:
the Nazarenes used to say it was plain to see from the old
man’s manner and behavior that he was very rich, and
that if he lived so modestly it was only because he was a
stranger in a strange place—hiding his wealth by setting up
as a peddler of needles.
Whenever he came into the presence of Bahá’u’lláh he
received still more evidences of favor and love. For all seasons,
he was a close friend and companion to me. When
sorrows attacked me I would send for him, and then I
would rejoice just to see him again. How wonderful his
talk was, how attractive his society. Bright of face he was;
free of heart; loosed from every earthly tie, always on the
wing. Toward the end he made his home in the Most
Great Prison, and every day he entered the presence of
On a certain day, walking through the bázár with his
friends, he met a gravedigger named Ḥájí Aḥmad. Although
in the best of health, he addressed the gravedigger
and laughingly told him: “Come along with me.” Accompanied
by the believers and the gravedigger he made for
Nabíyu’lláh Ṣáliḥ. Here he said: “O Ḥájí Aḥmad, I have
a request to make of you: when I move on, out of this
world and into the next, dig my grave here, beside the
Purest Branch.
This is the favor I ask.” So saying, he gave
the man a gift of money.
That very evening, not long after sunset, word came that
Nabíl of Qá’in had been taken ill. I went to his home at
once. He was sitting up, and conversing. He was radiant,
laughing, joking, but for no apparent reason the sweat was
pouring off his face—it was rushing down. Except for this
he had nothing the matter with him. The perspiring went
on and on; he weakened, lay in his bed, and toward morning,
Bahá’u’lláh would refer to him with infinite grace and
loving-kindness, and revealed a number of Tablets in his
name. The Blessed Beauty was wont, after Nabíl’s passing,
to recall that ardor, the power of that faith, and to comment
that here was a man who had recognized Him, prior
to the advent of the Báb.
All hail to him for this wondrous bestowal. “Blessedness
awaiteth him and a goodly home… And God will single
out for His mercy whomsoever He willeth.”
1. |
Nabíl of Qá’in was his title.
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2. |
Qur’án 5:59.
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3. |
The kran was 20 sháhís, or almost 8 cents. Cf. Webster, op. cit.
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4. |
Mírzá Mihdí, the son of Bahá’u’lláh who, praying one evening on the barracks roof, fell to his death. Cf. God Passes By, p. 188.
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5. |
Cf. Qur’án 13:28; 2:99; 3:67.
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