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Siyyid Muḥammad-Taqí Manshadí |
Muḥammad-Taqí came
from the village of
Manshad. When still young, he learned of the Faith of
God. In holy ecstasy, his mind turned Heavenward, and his
heart was flooded with light. Divine grace descended upon
him; the summons of God so enraptured him that he
threw the peace of Manshad to the winds. Leaving his
kinsfolk and children, he set out over mountains and desert
plains, passed from one halting-place to the next, came to
the seashore, crossed over the sea and at last reached the
city of Haifa. From there he hastened on to ‘Akká and entered
the presence of Bahá’u’lláh.
In the early days he opened a small shop in Haifa and
carried on some trifling business. God’s blessing descended
upon it, and it prospered. That little corner became the
haven of the pilgrims. When they arrived, and again at
their departure, they were guests of the high-minded and
generous Muḥammad-Taqí. He also helped to manage the
affairs of the believers, and would get together their means
of travel. He proved unfailingly reliable, loyal, worthy of
trust. Ultimately he became the intermediary through
whom Tablets could be sent away and mail from the believers
could come in. He performed this service with perfect
dependability, accomplishing it in a most pleasing way,
scrupulously despatching and receiving the correspondence
at all times. Trusted by everyone, he became known in
many parts of the world, and received unnumbered bounties
from Bahá’u’lláh. He was a treasury of justice and
righteousness, entirely free from any attachment to worldly
things. He had accustomed himself to a very spare way of
life, caring nothing for food or sleep, comfort or peace. He
lived all alone in a single room, passed the nights on a
couch of palm branches, and slept in a corner. But to the
travelers, he was a spring in the desert; for them, he provided
the softest of pillows, and the best table he could afford.
He had a smiling face and by nature was spiritual
and serene.
After the Daystar of the Supreme Concourse had set,
Siyyid Manshadí remained loyal to the Covenant, a sharp
sword confronting the violators. They tried every ruse,
every deceit, all their subtlest expedients; it is beyond imagining
how they showered favors on him and what honors
they paid him, what feasts they prepared, what pleasures
they offered, all this to make a breach in his faith.
Yet every day he grew stronger than before, continued to
be staunch and true, kept free from every unseemly
thought, and shunned whatever went contrary to the Covenant
of God. When they finally despaired of shaking his
resolve, they harassed him in every possible way, and
plotted his financial ruin. He remained, however, the
quintessence of constancy and trust.
When, at the instigation of the violators, ‘Abdu’l-Ḥamíd
began his opposition to me, I was obliged to send Manshadí
away to Port Sa’íd, because he was widely known
among the people as the distributor of our mail. I then
had to relay the correspondence to him through intermediaries
who were unknown, and he would send the
letters on as before. In this way the treacherous and the
hostile were unable to take over the mail. During the latter
days of ‘Abdu’l-Ḥamíd, when a commission of investigation
appeared and—urged on by those familiars-turned-strangers—made plans to tear out the Holy Tree by the
roots; when they determined to cast me into the depths of
the sea or banish me to the Fezzan, and this was their settled
purpose; and when the commission accordingly tried
their utmost to get hold of some document or other, they
failed. In the thick of all that turmoil, with all the pressures
and restraints, and the foul attacks of those persons
who were pitiless as Yazíd,
still the mail went through.
For many long years, Siyyid Manshadí befittingly performed
this service in Port Sa’íd. The friends were uniformly
pleased with him. In that city he earned the gratitude
of travelers, placed those who had emigrated in his
debt, brought joy to the local believers. Then the heavy
heat of Egypt proved too much for him; he took to his bed,
and in a raging fever, cast off the robe of life. He abandoned
Port Sa’íd for the Kingdom of Heaven, and rose up
to the mansions of the Lord.
Siyyid Manshadí was the essence of virtue and intellect.
His qualities and attainments were such as to amaze the
most accomplished minds. He had no thought except of
God, no hope but to win the good pleasure of God. He was
the embodiment of “Keep all my words of prayer and praise
confined to one refrain; make all my life but servitude
to Thee.”
1. |
Yazíd (son of Mu’ávíyyih), Ummayad Caliph by whose order the Imám Ḥusayn was martyred. Proverbial for cruelty. Cf. S. Haím, New Persian-English Dictionary, s.v.
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