A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou dear servant of God!…” |
Believe in God; turn unto the Supreme Kingdom; be
attracted unto the Beauty of ABHA; remain firm in
the Covenant; yearn for ascending unto the heaven of
the sun of the universe; be disinterested in the world;
be alive with the fragrances of holiness in the Kingdom
of the Highest; be a caller to love; kind to the human
race; gentle with humanity; interested in all the people
of the world; wish for harmony and seek friendship and
honesty. Be a healing for every wound, a remedy for
every sick, a source of harmony among the people;
chant the verses of guidance; pray to God; arise for the
guidance of the people; let thy tongue explain and thy
face illumine with the glowing of the love of God.
Rest not a moment and breathe not a breath of repose
until thou becomest a sign of God’s love and a banner
of God’s favor.