Thank thou God that He hath guided thee, led thee
to the Kingdom of Being, ushered thee under the shade
of the bounties of the Lord of Hosts, and that thou
hast stepped into the Paradise of ABHA.
Do not grieve on account of the death of thy son,
neither sigh nor lament. That nightingale soared upward
to the divine rose-garden; that drop returned to
the most great ocean of Truth; that foreigner hastened
to his native abode; and that ill one found salvation
and life eternal.
Why shouldst thou be sad and heartbroken? This
separation is temporal; this remoteness and sorrow is
counted only by days. Thou shalt find him in the
Kingdom of God and thou wilt attain to the everlasting
union. Physical companionship is ephemeral, but
heavenly association is eternal. Whenever thou rememberest
the eternal and never ending union, thou
wilt be comforted and blissful.