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“O ye Cohorts of God!…” |
O ye
Cohorts of God!
A letter which was signed by you in general was
received. Its content was of the utmost beauty, sweetness,
eloquence and perfection. While reading it the
utmost happiness was produced. It spoke of fasting
during the month of the Fast. Happy is your condition
for you have executed the divine command; and
have arisen to fast in these blessed days. For this
physical fasting is a symbol of the spiritual fasting,
that is, abstaining from all carnal desires, becoming
characterized with the attributes of the spiritual ones,
attracted to the heavenly fragrances and enkindled
with the fire of the love of God.
Likewise your letter was an evidence of the union
and affinity of the hearts. I hope that through the
bounty and favors of the Most Glorious Lord, in this
new age, the regions of the West become the East of
the Sun of Truth, the believers of God become the
dawning-places of lights, the manifestors of the signs,
be protected and guarded from the doubts of the heedless
ones, remain firm and steadfast in the Covenant
and Testament, and strive day and night in order to
awaken those who are asleep, to make mindful those
who are heedless, to make confident of the mysteries
of the Kingdom those who are deprived, to confer a
share from the never-ending outpouring upon those who
are helpless, to become the heralds of the Kingdom and
to call the inhabitants of this terrestrial world to the
Celestial Realm.
O ye Cohorts of God! Today in the present world
each community is wandering in a wilderness, moving
in accord with some passion and desire, and running
to and fro in pursuance of his own imagination. Among
the communities of the world, this community of the
“Most Great Name” is free from every thought, keeping
aloof from every project and scheme, arising with
the purest designs and intentions, and striving and
endeavoring with the utmost hope to live in accordance
with the divine teachings in order that the surface of
the earth become the delectable paradise, the nether
world become the mirror of the Kingdom, the universe
become another universe, and the human race attain to
higher morals, conduct and manners.
O ye Cohorts of God! Through the protection and
help of the Blessed Perfection—may my life be a
sacrifice to His beloved ones! —you must conduct and
deport yourselves in such a manner that you may stand
out among other souls distinguished by a brilliancy like
unto the sun. If any one of you enters a city he must
become the center of attraction because of the sincerity,
faithfulness, love, honesty, fidelity, truthfulness and
loving-kindness of his disposition and nature toward
all the inhabitants of the world, that the people of
the city may all cry out: “This person is unquestionably
a Bahai; for his manners, his behaviour, his conduct,
his morals, his nature and his disposition are of the
attributes of the Bahais.” Until you do attain to this
station, you have not fulfilled the Covenant and the
Testament of God. For according to the irrefutable
texts, He has taken from us a firm covenant that we
may live and act in accord with the divine exhortations,
commands and lordly teachings.
O ye Cohorts of God! Now is the time when the
signs and the perfections of the “Most Great Name”
become manifest and clear in this golden cycle in order
that it may become demonstrated and established
beyond doubt that this period is the period of the
Blessed Perfection, and this cycle is distinguished from
all other cycles and epochs.
O ye Cohorts of God! If you observe that a soul
has turned his face completely toward the Cause of
God, his intention is centralized upon the penetration
of the Word of God, he is serving the Cause day and
night with the utmost fidelity, no scent of selfishness is
inhaled from his manners and deeds, and no trace of
egotism or prejudice is seen in his personality—nay
rather is he a wanderer in the wilderness of the love
of God, and one intoxicated with the wine of the
knowledge of God, occupied wholly with the diffusion
of the fragrances of God, and attracted to the signs
of the Kingdom of God; know ye of a certainty that he
is confirmed with the powers of the Kingdom, assisted
by the heaven of Might; and he will shine, gleam and
sparkle like unto the morning star with the utmost
brilliancy and splendor from the horizon of the everlasting
gift. If he is alloyed with the slightest trace
of passion, desire, ostentation or self-interest, it is
certain that the results of all efforts will prove fruitless,
and he will become deprived and hopeless.
O ye Cohorts of God! Praise be to God! —that the
Blessed Perfection hath freed the necks from the bonds
and fetters and released all from racial attachments by
proclaiming, “Ye are all the fruits of one tree and the
leaves of one branch.” Be ye kind to the human world,
and be ye compassionate to the race of man, deal with
the strangers as you deal with the friends, be ye gentle
toward the outsiders as you are toward the beloved
ones, know the enemy as the friend, look upon the
satan as upon the angel, receive the unjust with the
utmost love like unto a faithful one, and diffuse far
and wide the fragrances of the musk of the gazelles of
Kheta and Khotan
to the nostrils of the ravenous
Become ye a shelter and asylum to the fearful ones,
be ye a cause of tranquility and cease to the souls and
hearts of the agitated ones, impart ye strength to the
helpless ones, be ye a remedy and antidote to the
afflicted ones, and a physician and nurse to the sick
ones. Serve ye for the promotion of peace and concord
and establish in this transitory world the foundation
of friendship, fidelity, reconciliation and truthfulness.
O ye Cohorts of God! Strive ye that this human
world may be changed into a luminous realm and this
mound of earth become the Paradise of ABHA. Darkness
hath environed the world upon all sides. Savage
tempers and inclination predominate. The human
world has become the battlefield of the rapacious savages
and the arena of the heedless and ignorant ones.
The souls are either bloodthirsty wolves or beasts with
degenerate reason. They are either deadly poison, or
worthless plants. There are a few souls who in reality
have some humanitarian intentions and are thinking of
the well-being and prosperity of human kind. You
must in this instance (that is, service to humanity)
sacrifice your lives, and in sacrificing your lives celebrate
happiness and beatitude.
O ye Cohorts of God! His Highness, the Supreme
—may my life be a sacrifice to Him! —hath given up
His life, and at every moment the Blessed Perfection
in His own life sacrificed hundreds of lives, endured
dire calamities and oppressions. Laden with fetters
He was thrown into the dark dungeon, He was exiled
and banished to distant lands and finally passed His
days in the Most Great Prison
. Likewise a multitude
of friends drank the sweet chalice of martyrdom and
sacrificed soul, possession, family and relatives for the
Cause. How many houses were overthrown! How
many residences were pillaged and rapined! How
many magnificent palaces were turned into a desolate
tomb! All these phenomena transpired only that the
world of humanity may become a luminous realm;
ignorance be changed into wisdom, human souls become
merciful, warfare and bloodshed be destroyed to their
very foundation, and the Kingdom of Peace become
paramount over all men. Now strive ye, that perchance
this Beloved of Hopes appear in the assemblage of the
world and this Providence become a realized fact.
O ye Cohorts of God! Beware lest ye offend the
feelings of anyone, or sadden the heart of any person,
or move the tongue in reproach of and finding fault with
anybody, whether he is friend or stranger, believer or
enemy. Pray in behalf of all and entreat God for
forgiveness and bounty for all. Beware, beware that
any soul take revenge or retaliate over another even if
he be a bloodthirsty enemy. Beware, beware that any
one rebuke or reproach a soul, though he may be an
ill-wisher and an ill-doer. Do ye not look upon the
creature, advance ye toward the Creator. Behold ye
not the rebellious people, turn your faces toward the
Lord of Hosts. Look ye not upon the ground, raise
your eyes to the world-illuminating Sun, which hath
transformed every atom of the gloomy soil into bright
and luminous substance.
Last year some of the known and unknown, friends
and strangers, slandered, calumniated and presented
false accusations against these exiled ones, before the
throne of His Imperial Majesty, the Padeshah of the
Ottomans; while these oppressed ones were entirely
free from those calumnies. The government, conformable
with prudent measures, arose to investigate these
calumnies and dispatched some commissioners (or examiners)
to this city. Therefore it is evident that the
field which was found by the ill-wishers and the flood
which was brought about by them, can neither be
written nor explained. However, relying upon God,
we conducted ourselves with the utmost patience and
submission, resignation and calmness; so much so that
if one did not know anything about these matters, he
would have thought that we were in perfect ease of
soul, enjoying the tranquility of heart and mind, and
were engaged in happiness and felicity. The matters
reached to such an issue that the plaintiffs and calumniators
entered into alliance and intrigue with the officials,
in regard to the carrying out of the work of investigation.
Consequently, the plaintiff, the magistrate and
the witness became as one single soul. Therefore it
is clear what things transpired! But here one witnesses
the fairness and impartiality of His Imperial Majesty,
the Padeshah of the Ottomans, who so far has not
given any consideration to these slanders, statements,
stories and calumnies, but has dealt with the utmost
justice and equity. Truly, I say, if there had been any
other person except this Padeshah, no trace of these
exiled ones would remain. This is the truth! We
must not overlook justice. In reality today in the
Asiatic world, the Padeshah of the Ottoman Empire
and the Shah of Persia, Mozeffer-Eddin, are peerless
and have no equals. If you could realize the degree
of the malignity of the enemies, and the wickedness and
mischief done by the ill-wishers, especially by the unkind
brother, both here and in Persia, and that notwithstanding
these seditions and villainies, these two
kings have treated us with tranquility and mildness,
ye would undoubtedly feel sure that both are just. If
they were like kings of bygone ages, unquestionably
every day thousands of souls would have been deprived
of life in Persia. Therefore pray ye earnestly in behalf
of these two kings, beseech for them protection and
confirmation in the threshold of the Almighty, and
ask for them, from God, victory and triumph; especially
for the Padeshah of the Ottoman Empire, who has
dealt at all times in justice with these exiled ones.
O Thou Omnipotent God! Perfume the nostrils of
the friends in the Occident with the breaths of the Holy
Spirit; and illumine the horizon of the West with the
light of guidance. Make the remote ones the near
ones, change the strangers into compassionate friends,
awaken those who are asleep, and make heedful those
who are heedless.
O Thou Glorious Lord! Confirm and assist these
noble friends with Thy good pleasure, suffer them to
become the well-wishers of the known and unknown,
enter them in the world of the everlasting Kingdom,
confer upon them a share from the outpouring of the
Realm of Might, make them real Bahais and sincere
godly ones, deliver them from superficiality and establish
them in Truth, make them the signs of the Kingdom
and brilliant stars in the horizon of the world,
make them the cause of the prosperity and composure
of the world of humanity and the servants of the
universal peace, intoxicate all of them with the wine
of Thy commands and exhortations and grant to all
good morals and conduct in the path of Thy teachings.
O my God! The desire of this Servant of the
Threshold is to see that the friends of the West have
embraced the beloved of the East, and the individuals
of the world of humanity are with the utmost kindness
the members of one assemblage, the drops of one ocean,
the birds of one rose-garden, the pearls of one sea,
the leaves of one tree and the rays of one sun.
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Revealed in response to a supplication signed by 489 believers in America during the period of the 19-day fast in 1906.
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Kheta and Khotan are two cities in China celebrated for having large numbers of musk-producing animals. The reference here symbolizes the severed and detached believers who are diffusing the fragrance of the Word of God.
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The BAB.
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