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“O ye children of the Kingdom!…” |
O ye
children of the Kingdom!
It is New Year; that is to say, the rounding of the
cycle of the year. A year is the expression of a cycle
(of the sun); but now is the beginning of a cycle of
Realty, a New Cycle, a New Age, a New Century, a
New Time and a New Year. Therefore it is very
I wish this blessing to appear and become manifest
in the faces and characteristics of the believers, so that
they, too, may become a new people, and having found
new life and been baptized with fire and spirit, may
make the world a new world, to the end that the old
earth may disappear and the new earth appear; old
ideas depart and new thoughts come; old garments be
cast aside and new garments put on; ancient politics
whose foundation is war be discarded and modern
politics founded on peace raise the standard of victory;
the new star shine and gleam and the new sun illumine
and radiate; new flowers bloom; the new spring become
known; the new breeze blow; the new bounty
descend; the new tree give forth new fruit; the new
voice become raised and this new sound reach the ears,
that the new will follow the new, and all the old furnishings
and adornments be cast aside and new decorations
put in their places.
I desire for you all that you will have this great
assistance and partake of this great bounty, and that in
spirit and heart you will strive and endeavor until the
world of war become the world of peace; the world
of darkness the world of light; satanic conduct be
turned into heavenly behavior; the ruined places
become built up; the sword be turned into the olive
branch; the flash of hatred become the flame of the
love of God and the noise of the gun the voice of the
Kingdom; the soldiers of death the soldiers of life; all
the nations of the world one nation; all races as one
race; and all national anthems harmonized into one
1. |
Revealed for American believers in 1906, who had sent Abdul-Baha a New Year’s greeting.
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