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“To the beloved of God in Persia!…” |
O ye dear friends of Abdul-Baha! It is some time
since any heart-thrilling melody hath reached the ear
of life from certain countries, and life and conscience
have not found happiness and joy. Howbeit all are
remembered at all times and are indeed present before
the sight. For, verily, the chalice of the heart is overflowing
with the wine of the love of the friends; and
their attachment and the desire to see them flow and
circulate in the veins and arteries, even as the spirit.
At one time he cried that “The Divine Foundation
is overthrown, the law of God is abrogated, therefore
the Covenant and Testament of God are annulled!”
Again, he moaned and grieved that “We are exiles and
captives, hungry and thirsty, night and day!” One day
he effected disturbance and commotion, saying, “The
Oneness of God is abolished, and the Manifestation,
before the lapse of a thousand years, hath appeared!”
Upon finding that these fictions were not successful,
he gradually planned corruptions and caused commotion.
He grasped every garment (means); he calumniated
to the government and he became acquainted
with some of the unfriendly, associated and became confidential
with them. Together they compiled a report
and presented it to the center of the government, which
disturbed the members of the cabinet.
Among their fictitious reports was this: That this
oppressed one
has hoisted the banner of independence;
upon that banner he has inscribed “Ya Baha El-Abha!”
and circulated it in all this country,
in the cities and
hamlets, even among the tribes in the desert, and that
he has summoned them all to assemble under the
O God, verily I seek shelter in Thee from this action
which is contrary to the precepts of Baha’, nay, it is a
great wrong, committed only by every persistent sinner.
For Thou hast enjoined upon us obedience to kings and
Among other fictions was, that he has founded a new
monarchy (kingdom) and that he has called all the
friends to this great wrong. God forbid; God forbid;
God forbid! Praise be to Thee!
—this is a great
calumny!—that since the Sacred Tomb
has become a
visiting center for the world, it shall be a great misfortune
to the country and to the public! and that the
center of violation is not connected with these affairs,
nay rather, he is a Suni, Sanavi, Bekri, and Omari.
That he knows the Blessed Perfection
to be only one
of the reformers among the people, and a follower of
the Path, and that these affairs were instituted by this
oppressed one.
In short, an inquisitory body was appointed by the
center of the great government—may her glory increase!
—and was sent to this land, taking up its abode
directly in the home of one of the plaintiffs. The parties
who joined in compiling the report and who were
co-partners of my brother were sent for and questioned
regarding the truth of the report. They amplified the
contents of the report, explained them, confirmed them
and above all added to them. They were the plaintiffs,
the witnesses and the judge. Now that body hath returned
to the Capital and every day terrible and frightful
news is received.
Praise be to God!—the kind friends of God are also
in a state of resignation and submissiveness. All are
happy, thankful, joyful, and content. But the center
of violation presumed that after the shedding of the
blood of this oppressed one, or the throwing of him into the
Mediterranean Sea, he will become nameless, traceless
and forgotten, and that he [himself] would find an
arena to gallop in and could win, with the spear of
suspicions and fictions, the object of his hopes and
desire. In vain! In vain! If there be no permanence
to the fragrance of the musk of faithfulness, will any
one be attracted by the vile odor of jealousy? If the
deer of God be torn asunder by dogs and wolves, no
one will run after the blood-thirsty wolf. If the nightingale
of significances end his days, no one will listen
to the croaking of the raven, nor to the cawing of the
crow. What vain imagination is this, and what an ignorant
display! Their actions are like unto a mirage
in the desert, which the thirsty imagines to be water,
but when he reaches it, finds it to be nothing.
In sooth, O ye friends of God, make firm your feet
and heart, make perfect resolve through the power of
confirmation of the Blessed Beauty; engage in the service
of the Cause of God and withstand the nations and
the peoples with the firmness, the solidity and the steadfastness
of the people of Baha’. Thus may others
wonder how these hearts are fountains of trust and
mines of the love of His Majesty, the Merciful One.
Thus may ye remain unshaken by the painful occurrences
in the Holy Land, and may remain firm through the
disastrous events. If all the friends oppose (the Cause
of God) with sword and one remain (firm), he will be
the proclaimer of God, a divine herald, and will stand
before all upon the earth.
In sooth, you must not mind the events in the Radiant
Spot. The Holy Land is ever in danger and the flood
of ordeal comes from every side, for the call hath become
world-wide and the summons hath spread throughout
the earth, and enemies, both the unfamiliar and the
familiar, are engaged in their plans, their stratagems
and schemes to calumniate; and it is evident that such
a place is in danger, for against calumny there is no
defence, nay rather, some wandering oppressed souls
are imprisoned in a fortress, having no helper, assistant
nor shelter from the sword of accusation and the teeth
of calumny, save God!
Ye must think of this: How many dear friends have
hastened to the divine altar; how many blessed souls
have sacrificed life; what holy blood was shed; what
pure hearts were drowned in blood; how many breasts
were offered as targets for the arrows of malice, and
how many sanctified bodies were cut to pieces. What
is our duty? To be thinking of our own life and to
dissimulate and associate with enemies and friends, or
should we also follow the righteous and walk in the
footprints of those who are great?
The numbered days (of life) will vanish away, and
the present existence disappear. The garden of being
will lose its freshness and fragrance, the orchard of
mirth will miss its joy and beauty. The spring of life
will change into the autumn of death, the joy of happiness
of the palaces will change into the gloomy darkness
of the grave. Therefore, it is not worth attachment
and the wise person will not set his heart thereon.
The wise and great man seeketh heavenly glory and
divine might, desireth eternal life and seeketh nearness
to the Threshold of God.
For in the tavern of the mortal world the bile of the
man of God is not removed. He will not rest a moment
here and will not stain himself with the attachments of
the world. Nay, rather, the friends are the stars of
the summit of Providence and the planets of the firmament
of Guidance. With perfect strength do they dispel
darkness and destroy the foundation of envy and
enmity. They wish for the world and its denizens
unity and peace; they destroy the basis of war and
strife; they seek integrity, faithfulness and friendliness,
and are well-wishes even of the evil-disposed enemy.
Thus they make this prison of infidelity the sublime
mansion of fidelity, and this dungeon of envy a delectable
O ye friends, endeavor with life and heart that this
world may become the mirror of the world of the Kingdom;
that the earthly kingdom be filled with the bounty
of the heavenly; that the voice of the Supreme Concourse
may be raised in commendation, and that the
traces of the bounty and grace of the Beauty of Abha
may envelop the earth!
His honor, Ameen
, hath praised highly the honored
servants and the maid-servants of the Manifest Light;
commending each one separately and eulogizing the
firmness and steadfastness of all; that—praise be to
God!—the friends and maid-servants of the Merciful
in all Persia are in perfect resignation and firm and
steadfast, like unto a firm and solid foundation, and in
an absolute state of ecstasy and attraction are engaged
in spreading the fragrance of the Lord of Lords.
Through this news, at this time of great jeopardy,
much happiness was realized, for the supreme hope and
desire of this oppressed one is the spirituality of the
hearts and the radiance of the beings of the friends.
When this gift is obtained every ordeal is for him as an
abundant bounty and a great shower.
O my God! O my God! Thou seest me drowned
in the sea of ordeals, seized upon by the fire of infidelity,
with tears flowing in the dark night rolling in the
bed of sleeplessness, mine eyes expectant to see the dawn
of the lights of Faith. And when I am anxious, as the
fish whose bowels are inflamed upon the dust, I anticipate
the manifestation of Thy bounties from all
O Lord, verily they are the captives of Thy love and
the prisoners of Thy host, the birds of the atmosphere
of Thy guidance, the fish of the sea of Thy providence,
the stars of the horizon of Thy bounty, the army of
the fortress of Thy law, the banners of Thy remembrance,
the eyes of Thy mercy, the fountains of Thy
grace and the springs of Thy generosity. Therefore,
guard them with the eye of kindness, confirm them in
promoting Thy Word, strengthen their hearts in Thy
love, reinforce their backs in Thy service, make firm
their loins in Thy servitude, spread through them Thy
fragrances, reveal through them Thy signs, manifest
through them Thy proofs, accomplish through them
Thy words and perfect through them Thy mercy!
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The unkind brother.
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An accusation that Abdul-Baha was claiming to be a Manifestation who is promised after a lapse of a thousand years.
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An expression of astonishment.
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The Tomb of the Bab on Mt. Carmel.
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These expressions are intended to convey the inference that he is orthodox.
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One of the teachers of the Bahai Revelation in Persia.
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