A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou whose heart is attracted and whose breast is…” |
O thou
whose heart is attracted and whose breast is
dilated with joy by the Holy Fragrances!
“Verily the Lord hath manifested Himself in this
new and wonderful age with the greatest bounty and
mercy, which have never been preceded and whereof the
eye of existence hath never seen the like; and it is His
Great Covenant and New Testament, as appointed by
the trace of His Supreme Pen, through which, and according
to clear ordinances and explicit statements, the
matter was plainly shown and the branches (sons),
twigs (relations), kinsmen and beloved were commanded
to obey the “appointed Center of the Covenant.”
But the Covenant of God and His Testament
is a bounty to the righteous and a curse to the wicked.
“On hearing this Command some faces have rejoiced
by this Glowing Lamp, and others become gloomy and
in their hearts the fire of jealousy and rebellion hath
been kindled. They disobeyed the Command of their
Lord the Merciful, endeavored to spread lies and arose
to divulge seditious rumors contrary to that which was
descended from God. They imagine that they are able
to resist this Power, which penetrates into the heart of
the contingent world, or to cover the Truth through
their false tongues and complicated opinions, and to
withhold this Sea from surging, the holy fragrances
from being spread, and the breaths of the Spirit of the
Ancient from reaching the beloved! No, by no means!
Verily, the Word of God penetrates into the core of all
things and cannot be resisted either by the hosts of the
world or by the armies of the enemies! In the past
ages there is a warning to every intelligent one! Ye
shall see their banners reversed, their sign abolished,
their happiness destroyed in those regions in a similar
way to the disappointment of their hopes in the East.
“But, as the people of the West are still children
in the Cause
and have not perfect knowledge of its
reality and validity, the nakazeen thought it to be an
easy prey and availed themselves of this opportunity
for laying doubts and suspicions, speaking false words,
divulging seditious calumnies among the people. Ye
shall see all this as scattered dust, and all these thick,
dark clouds which were gathered in those far regions,
will disappear and the Sun of Certainty and Reality
shall shine with the Most Dazzling Light; the darkness
will vanish, the firm believers will be in great joy, and
the nakazeen shall be in evident loss.”
1. |
To the Washington (D.C.) assembly.
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Revealed in 1900.
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