A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou wooer of Truth and attracted one toward the Kingdom of God!…” |
Thy detailed letter was received and its reading produced
the utmost joy, for it was a glorious proof of
the loftiness of thy aim and the exaltation of thine intention.
Praise be to God! that thou art the well-wisher
of the human world, art attracted to the Kingdom of
Abha and art aspiring for the advancement of the
realm of humanity. I hope that, through the instrumentality
of these lofty thoughts, attractions of
heart and heavenly glad-tidings, thou mayest become
so illumined that, through the mildly beaming splendor
of the love of God, thou mayest shine and gleam
throughout centuries and cycles.
Thou hast written that thou art a student in the progressive
spiritual school. Happy is thy condition! If
the various progressive schools join themselves to the
universal university of the Kingdom, such knowledge
and sciences will be brought into light that man will see
that the potentialities of the “Open Tablet” of existence
are infinite; will realize that all the created
things are as letters and words; will be instructed in
the lessons of the degrees of significances; will perceive
the signs of oneness in the primordial atoms of the
earth; will hear the voice of the Lord of the Kingdom;
will behold the confirmations of the Holy Spirit and
will find such ecstasy and joy that, being unable to contain
himself in the vast area of existence, he will prepare
himself for the journey toward the Kingdom and
will hasten to the immensity of the Realm of Might.
As soon as a bird if fledged, it cannot keep itself on the
ground; nay, rather it soareth up toward the Supreme
Apex—except the birds whose feet are tied, whose
wings are clipped and feathers broken and who are
soiled with water and clay.
O thou seeker of Truth! The realm of the Kingdom
is a unit. The only difference lies in this: That when
the season of spring dawneth, a new and wonderful
motion and rejuvenation is witnessed in all the existing
things; the mountains and meadows are revived; the
trees find freshness and delicacy and are clothed with
radiant and bright leaves, blossoms and fruits. In a
like manner the preceding Manifestations form an inseparable
link with the subsequent dispensations; nay,
rather they are identical with each other. Since the
world is constantly developing itself, the rays become
stronger, the outpouring becometh greater and the sun
appeareth in the meridian orbit.
O thou yearner after the Kingdom! Each Manifestations
is the heart of the world and the proficient Physician
of every patient. The world of humanity is sick,
but that skilled Physician hath the healing remedy and
He bestoweth divine teachings, exhortations and advices
which are the remedy of every ailment and the dressing
for every wound. Undoubtedly, the wise physician
discovereth the needs of the patient at every season
and prescribeth medicine. Therefore, when thou
wilt compare the teachings of the Beauty of Abha with
the requisitions and necessities of the present time, thou
wilt conclude that they are to the sick body of the world
the swift healing antidote; nay, rather they are the
remedy of everlasting health. The prescription of the
proficient physicians of the past and the future will
not be the same; nay, rather they will be in accord with
the ailment of the patient. Although the medicine is
changed, yet all of these are for the sole purpose of
the healing of the sick. In former dispensations the
sick body of the world could not bear the strong and
overpowering remedies. That is why His Highness the
Christ said: “I have yet many things to say unto you,
but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when He, the
Spirit of the Comforter, who is sent by the Father, is
come, He will guide you into all truth.” Therefore, in
this age of lights, specific teachings have become universal,
in order that the outpouring of the Merciful One
environ both the East and the West, the oneness of the
Kingdom of humanity become visible and the luminosity
of truth enlighten the world of consciousness. The
descent of the New Jerusalem is the heavenly religion
which secures the prosperity of the human world and is
the effulgence of the illumination of the realm of God.
In reality Emmanuel was the forerunner of the second
coming of His Highness the Christ and the herald of
the path of the Kingdom.
This is self-evident that the letter is an organic member
of the word. This membership denotes subordination;
that is, the letter draws its life from the word and
hath spiritual relationship with it and is accounted a
part of it. The apostles were the Letters and His
Highness Christ the Essence of the Word; and the
significance of the Word, which is the Everlasting Outpouring,
cast a splendor upon those Letters,. Since a
Letter is a part of the Word itself, it is intrinsically
identical with the Word.
I hope that thou shalt arise to perform all that which
His Highness Emmanuel hath predicted. Know thou
this of a certainty that thou shalt become assisted. The
confirmations of the Holy Spirit are descending uninterruptedly.
The power of the Word shall penetrate
in such wise that the Letter will become the reflective
mirror of the Sun of the Word, and the radiation of the
lights of the Word shall illumine the whole earth.
But the heavenly Jerusalem, which is established upon
the Apex of the world and the Holy of Holies of the
Almighty, which hath hoisted its banner, comprehendeth
and includeth in it all the perfections and teachings of
the former dispensations. Likewise, it is the herald
of the oneness of the world of humanity, the ensign of
universal peace, the spirit of eternal life, the lights of
divine perfections, the surrounding bestowal of the
realm of existence, the adornment and grandeur of the
world of creation and the cause of the tranquility of
Turn thy attention toward the holy Tablets. Read
and reflect upon the Tablets of Ishraghat, Tajalliat,
the Words of Paradise, the Glad-tidings, Tarazat and
the Book of Akdas.
These divine teachings in this
day are the remedy of the ailments of the world of man
and the dressing for the wounded body of existence;
they are the Spirit of Life, the Ark of Salvation, the
Magnet of the Everlasting Glory and the penetrative
power in the reality of man!
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All revealed by Baha’o’llah.
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