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[Pages 21–40] 21 |
absolutism in [the conduct of] affairs: on his own decisive
resolution, without seeking permission from the Royal Presence
or taking counsel with prudent statesmen, he issued
orders to persecute the Bábís, imagining that by overweening
force he could eradicate and suppress matters of this nature,
and that harshness would bear good fruit; whereas [in fact] to
interfere with matters of conscience is simply to give them
greater currency and strength; the more you strive to extinguish
the more will the flame be kindled, more especially in
matters of faith and religion, which spread and acquire
influence so soon as blood is shed, and strongly affect men’s
hearts. These things have been put to the proof, and the
greatest proof is this very transaction. Thus they relate that the
possessions of a certain Bábí in Káshán were plundered, and
his household scattered and dispersed. They stripped him
naked and scourged him, defiled his beard, mounted him face
backwards on an ass, and paraded him through the streets and
bazaars with the utmost cruelty, to the sound of drums,
trumpets, guitars, and tambourines. A certain gabr who knew
absolutely naught of the world or its denizens chanced to be
seated apart in a corner of a caravansary. When the clamor of
the people rose high he hastened into the street, and, becoming
cognizant of the offence and the offender, and the cause of
his public disgrace and punishment in full detail, he fell to
making search, and that very day entered the society of the
Bábís, saying, “This very ill-usage and public humiliation is a
proof of truth and the very best of arguments. Had it not been
thus it might have been that a thousand years would have
passed ere one like me became informed.”
At all events the minister with the utmost arbitrariness,
without receiving any instructions or asking permission, sent
forth commands in all directions to punish and chastise the
Bábís. Governors and magistrates sought a pretext for amassing
wealth, and officials a means of [acquiring] profits; celebrated
doctors from the summits of their pulpits incited men to
make a general onslaught; the powers of the religious and the
civil law linked hands and strove to eradicate and destroy this
Now this people had not yet acquired such knowledge as
was right and needful of the fundamental principles and
hidden doctrines of the Báb’s teachings, and did not recognize
their duties. Their conceptions and ideas were after the former
fashion, and their conduct and behavior in correspondence
with ancient usage. The way of approach to the Báb was,
moreover, closed, and the flame of trouble visibly blazing on
every side. At the decree of the most celebrated of the doctors,
the government, and indeed the common people, had, with
irresistible power, inaugurated rapine and plunder on all
sides, and were engaged in punishing and torturing, killing
and despoiling, in order that they might quench this fire and
wither these [poor] souls. In towns where these were but a
limited number all of them with bound hands became food for
the sword, while in cities where they were numerous they
arose in self-defense agreeably to their former beliefs, since it
was impossible for them to make inquiry as to their duty, and
all doors were closed.
In Mázindarán amongst other places the people of the city
of Barfurúsh at the command of the chief of the lawyers the
Sa’ídu’l-‘Ulamá’ made a general attack on Mullá Husayn of
Bushrúyih and his followers, and slew six or seven persons.
They were busy compassing the destruction of the rest also
when Mullá Husayn ordered the adhán to be sounded and
stretched forth his hand to the sword, whereupon all sought
flight, and the nobles and lords coming before him with the
utmost penitence and deference agreed that he should be
permitted to depart. They further sent with them as a guard
Khusraw of Qádí-Kalá with horsemen and footmen, so that,
according to the terms of the agreement, they might go forth
safe and protected from the territory of Mázindarán. When
they, being ignorant of the fords and paths, had emerged from
the city, Khusraw dispersed his horsemen and footmen and set
them in ambush in the forest of Mázindarán, scattered and
separated the Bábís in that forest on the road and off the road,
and began to hunt them down singly. When the reports of
muskets arose on every side the hidden secret became manifest,
and several wanderers and other persons were suddenly
slain with bullets. Mullá Husayn ordered the adhán to be
sounded to assemble his scattered followers, while Mírzá
Lutf-‘Alí the secretary drew his dagger and ripped open
Khusraw’s vitals. Of Khusraw’s host some were slain and
others wandered distractedly over the field of battle. Mullá
Husayn quartered his host in a fort near the burial-place of
Shaykh Tabarsí, and, being aware of the wishes of the community,
relaxed and interrupted the march. This detachment
was subsequently further reinforced by Mírzá Muhammad-‘Alí
of Mázindarán with a number of other persons, so that the
garrison of the fort numbered three hundred and thirteen
souls. Of these, however, all were not capable of fighting, only
one hundred and ten persons being prepared for war. Most of
them were doctors or students whose companions had been
during their whole life books and treatises; yet, in spite of the
fact that they were unaccustomed to war or to the blows of shot
and sword, four times were camps and armies arrayed against
them and they were attacked and hemmed in with cannons,
muskets, and bomb-shells, and on all four occasions they
inflicted defeat, while the army was completely routed and
dispersed. On the occasion of the fourth defeat Abbás-Qulí
Khán of Laríján was captain of the forces and Prince
Mihdí-Qulí Mírzá commander in the camp. The Khán above
mentioned used at nights to conceal and hide himself in
disguise amongst the trees of the forest outside the camp, while
during the day he was present in the encampment. The last
battle took place at night and the army was routed. The Bábís
fired the tents and huts, and night became bright as day. The
foot of Mullá Husayn’s horse caught in a noose, for he was
riding, the others being on foot. Abbás-Qulí Khán recognized
him from the top of a tree afar off, and with his own hand
discharged several bullets. At the third shot he threw him from
his feet. He was borne by his followers to the fort, and there
they buried him. Notwithstanding this event [the troops]
could not prevail by superior force. At length the Prince made
a treaty and covenant, and swore by the Holy Imáms,
confirming his oath by vows plighted on the glorious Qur’án,
to this effect: “You shall not be molested; return to your own
places.” Since their provisions had for some time been exhausted,
so that even of the skins and bones of horses naught
remained, and they had subsisted for several days on pure
water, they agreed. When they arrived at the army food was
prepared for them in a place outside the camp. They were
engaged in eating, having laid aside their weapons and armor,
when the soldiers fell on them on all sides and slew them all.
Some have accounted this valor displayed by these people as a
thing miraculous, but when a band of men are besieged in
some place where all avenues and roads are stopped and all
hope of deliverance is cut off they will assuredly defend themselves
desperately and display bravery and courage.
In Zanján and Nayríz likewise at the decree of erudite
doctors and notable lawyers a bloodthirsty military force attacked
and besieged. In Zanján the chief was Mullá Muhammad-‘Alí
the mujtahid, while in Nayríz Siyyid Yahyá
of Daráb was the leader and arbiter. At first they sought to
bring about a reconciliation, but, meeting with cruel ferocity,
they reached the pitch of desperation; and, the overpowering
force of the victorious troops having cut off every passage of
flight, they unclosed their hands in resistance. But although
they were very strong in battle and amazed the chiefs of the
army by their steadfastness and endurance, the overwhelming
military force closed the passage of flight and broke their wings
and feathers. After numerous battles they too at last yielded to
covenants and compacts, oaths and promises, vows registered
on the Qur’án, and the wonderful stratagems of the officers,
and were all put to the edge of the sword.
During the course of the events which took place at Zanján
the Prime Minister devised a final and trenchant remedy.
Without the royal command, without consulting with the
ministers of the subject-protecting court, he, acting with arbitrary
disposition, fixed determination, and entirely on his own
authority, issued commands to put the Báb to death. This
befell in brief as follows. The governor of Ádhirbayján, Prince
Hamzih Mírzá, was unwilling that the execution of this sentence
should be at his hands, and said to the brother of the
Amír, Mírzá Hasan Khán, “This is a vile business and an easy
one; anyone is capable and competent. I had imagined that
His Excellency the Regent would commission me to make war
on the Afghans or Uzbegs or appoint me to attack and invade
the territory of Russia or Turkey.” So Mírzá Hasan Khán
wrote his excuse in detail to the Amír.
Now the Siyyid Báb had disposed all His affairs before
setting out from Chihríq towards Tabríz, had placed His
writings and even His ring and pen-case in a specially prepared
box, put the key of the box in an envelope, and sent it by
means of Mullá Báqir, who was one of His first associates, to
Mullá ‘Abdu’l-Karím of Qazvín. This trust Mullá Báqir delivered
over to Mullá ‘Abdu’l-Karím at Qum in presence of a
numerous company. At the solicitations of those present he
opened the lid of the box and said, “I am commanded to
convey this trust to Bahá’u’lláh: more than this ask not of me,
for I cannot tell you.” Importuned by the company, he produced
a long epistle in blue, penned in the most graceful
manner with the utmost delicacy and firmness in a beautiful
minute shikastih hand, written in the shape of a man so
closely that it would have been imagined that it was a single
wash of ink on the paper. When they had read this epistle
[they perceived that] He had produced three hundred and sixty
derivatives from the word Bahá. Then Mullá ‘Abdu’l-Karím
conveyed the trust to its destination.
Well, we must return to our original narrative. The Prime
Minister issued a second order to his brother Mírzá Hasan
Khán, the gist of which order was this: “Obtain a formal and
explicit sentence from the learned doctors of Tabríz who are
the firm support of the Church of Ja’far (upon him be peace)
and the impregnable stronghold of the Shí’ite faith; summon
the Christian regiment of Urúmíyyih; suspend the Báb before
all the people; and give orders for the regiment to fire a volley.”
Mírzá Hasan Khán summoned his chief of the farráshes,
and gave him his instructions. They removed the Báb’s turban
and sash which were the signs of His Siyyid-hood, brought
Him with four of His followers to the barrack square of Tabríz,
confined Him in a cell, and appointed forty of the Christian
soldiers of Tabríz to guard Him.
Next day the chief of the farráshes delivered over the Báb
and a young man named Áqá Muhammad-‘Alí who was of a
noble family of Tabríz to Sám Khán, colonel of the Christian
regiment of Urúmíyyih, at the sentences of the learned divine
Mullá Muhammad of Mamaqán, of the second ecclesiastical
authority Mullá Mírzá Báqir, and of the third ecclesiastical
authority Mullá Murtadá-Qulí and others. An iron nail was
hammered into the middle of the staircase of the very cell
wherein they were imprisoned, and two ropes were hung
down. By one rope the Báb was suspended and by the other
rope Áqá Muhammad-‘Alí, both being firmly bound in such
wise that the head of that young man was on the Báb’s breast.
The surrounding housetops billowed with teeming crowds. A
regiment of soldiers ranged itself in three files. The first file
fired; then the second file, and then the third file discharged
volleys. From the fire of these volleys a mighty smoke was
produced. When the smoke cleared away they saw that young
man standing and the Báb seated by the side of His amanuensis
Áqá Siyyid Husayn in the very cell from the staircase of
which they had suspended them. To neither one of them had
the slightest injury resulted.
Sám Khán the Christian asked to be excused; the turn of
service came to another regiment, and the chief of the
farráshes withheld his hand. Áqá Ján Big of Khamsíh, colonel
of the bodyguard, advanced; and they again bound the Báb
together with that young man to the same nail. The Báb
uttered certain words which those few who knew Persian
understood, while the rest heard but the sound of His voice.
The colonel of the regiment appeared in person: and it was
before noon on the twenty-eighth day of Sha’bán in the year
[A.H.] one thousand two hundred and sixty-six.
Suddenly he
gave orders to fire. At this volley the bullets produced such an
effect that the breasts [of the victims] were riddled, and their
limbs were completely dissected, except their faces, which
were but little marred.
On the third day the people did not find the bodies, and
some supposed that the wild beasts had devoured them, so that
the doctors proclaimed from the summits of their pulpits
saying, “The holy body of the immaculate Imám and that of
the true Shí’ite are preserved from the encroachments of beasts
of prey and creeping things and wounds, but the body of this
person have the wild beasts torn in pieces.” But after the fullest
investigation and inquiry it hath been proved that when the
Báb had dispersed all His writings and personal properties and
it had become clear and evident from various signs that these
events would shortly take place, therefore, on the second day
of these events, Sulaymán Khán the son of Yahyá Khán, one
of the nobles of Ádhirbayján devoted to the Báb, arrived, and
proceeded straightway to the house of the mayor of Tabríz.
And since the mayor was an old friend, associate, and
confidant of his; since, moreover, he was of the mystic temperament
and did not entertain aversion or dislike for any sect,
Sulaymán Khán divulged this secret to him saying, “Tonight
I, with several others, will endeavor by every means and
artifice to rescue the body. Even though it be not possible,
come what may we will make an attack, and either attain our
object or pour out our lives freely in this way.” “Such troubles,”
answered the mayor, “are in no wise necessary.” He
then sent one of his private servants named Hájí Alláh-Yár,
who, by whatever means and proceedings it was, obtained the
body without trouble or difficulty and handed it over to Hájí
Sulaymán Khán. And when it was morning the sentinels, to
excuse themselves, said that the wild beasts had devoured it.
That night they sheltered the body in the workshop of a Bábí of
Milán: next day they manufactured a box, placed it in the box,
and left it as a trust. Afterwards, in accordance with instructions
which arrived from Tihrán, they sent it away from
Ádhirbayján. And this transaction remained absolutely secret.
Now in these years [A.H. one thousand two hundred and]
sixty-six and sixty-seven throughout all Persia fire fell on the
households of the Bábís, and each one of them, in whatever
hamlet he might be, was, on the slightest suspicion arising,
put to the sword. More than four thousand souls were slain,
and a great multitude of women and children, left without
protector or helper, distracted and confounded, were trodden
down and destroyed. And all these occurrences were brought
about solely by the arbitrary decision and command of Mírzá
Taqí Khán, who imagined that by the enactment of a crushing
punishment this sect would be dispersed and disappear in such
wise that all sign and knowledge of them would be cut off.
Ere long had passed the contrary of his imagination appeared,
and it became certain that [the Bábís] were increasing. The
flame rose higher and the contagion became swifter: the affair
waxed grave and the report thereof reached other climes. At
first it was confined to Persia: later it spread to the rest of the
world. Quaking and affliction resulted in constancy and stability,
and grievous pains and punishment caused acceptance
and attraction. The very events produced an impression; impression
led to investigation; and investigation resulted in
increase. Through the ill-considered policy of the Minister this
edifice became fortified and strengthened, and these foundations
firm and solid. Previously the matter used to be regarded
as commonplace: subsequently it acquired a grave importance
in men’s eyes. Many persons from all parts of the world set out
for Persia, and began to seek with their whole hearts. For it
hath been proved by experience in the world that in the case
of such matters of conscience laceration causeth healing;
censure produceth increased diligence; prohibition induceth
eagerness; and intimidation createth avidity. The root is hidden
in the very heart, while the branch is apparent and
evident. When one branch is cut off other branches grow.
Thus it is observed that when such matters occur in other
countries they become extinct spontaneously through lack of
attention and exiguity of interest. For up to the present moment
of movements pertaining to religion many have appeared
in the countries of Europe, but, noninterference and
absence of bigotry having deprived them of importance, in a
little while they became effaced and dispelled.
After this event there was wrought by a certain Bábí a great
error and a grave presumption and crime, which has blackened
the page of the history of this sect and given it an ill name
throughout the civilized world. Of this event the marrow is
this, that during the time when the Báb was residing in
Ádhirbayján a youth, Sádiq by name, became affected with
the utmost devotion to the Báb, night and day was busy in
serving Him, and became bereft of thought and reason. Now
when that which befell the Báb in Tabríz took place, this
servant, actuated by his own fond fancies, fell into thoughts of
seeking blood-revenge. And since he knew naught of the
details of the events, the absolute autocracy of the
Amír-Nizám, his unbridled power, and sole authority; nor
[was aware] that this sentence had been promulgated absolutely
without the cognizance of the Royal Court, and that the
Prime Minister had presumptuously issued the order on his
own sole responsibility; since, on the contrary, he supposed
that agreeably to ordinary custom and usage the attendants of
the court had had a share in, and a knowledge of this sentence,
therefore, [impelled by] folly, frenzy, and his evil star, nay, by
sheer madness, he rose up from Tabríz and came straight to
Tihrán, one other person being his accomplice. Then, since
the Royal Train had its abode in Shimírán, he thither directed
his steps. God is our refuge! By him was wrought a deed so
presumptuous that the tongue is unable to declare and the pen
loath to describe it. Yet to God be praise and thankfulness that
this madman had charged his pistol with shot, imagining this
to be preferable and superior to all projectiles.
Then all at once commotion arose, and this sect became of
such ill repute that still, strive and struggle as they may to
escape from the curse and disgrace and dishonor of this deed,
they are unable to do so. They will recount from the first
manifestation of the Báb until the present time; but when the
thread of the discourse reaches this event they are abashed and
hang their heads in shame, repudiating the presumptuous
actor and accounting him the destroyer of the edifice and the
cause of shame to mankind.
Now after the occurrence of this grave matter all of this sect
were suspected. At first there was neither investigation nor
inquiry, but afterwards in mere justice it was decided that
there should be investigation, inquiry, and examination. All
who were known to be of this sect fell under suspicion.
Bahá’u’lláh was passing the summer in the village of Afchih
situated one stage from Tihrán. When this news was spread
abroad and punishment began, everyone who was able hid
himself in some retreat or fled the country. Amongst these
Mírzá Yahyá, the brother of Bahá’u’lláh, concealed himself,
and, a bewildered fugitive, in the guise of a dervish, with
kashkúl in hand, wandered in mountains and plains on the
road to Rasht. But Bahá’u’lláh rode forth with perfect composure
and calmness from Afchih, and came to Níyávarán,
which was the abode of the Royal Train and the station of the
imperial camp. Immediately on His arrival He was placed
under arrest, and a whole regiment guarded Him closely.
After several days of interrogation they sent Him in chains and
fetters from Shimírán to the jail of Tihrán. And this harshness
and punishment was due to the immoderate importunity of
Hájí ‘Alí Khán, the Hajíbu’d-Dawlih, nor did there seem any
hope of deliverance, until His Majesty the King, moved by his
own kindly spirit, commanded circumspection, and ordered
this occurrence to be investigated and examined particularly
and generally by means of the ministers of the imperial court.
Now when Bahá’u’lláh was interrogated on this matter He
answered in reply, “The event itself indicates the truth of the
affair and testifies that this is the action of a thoughtless,
unreasoning, and ignorant man. For no reasonable person
would charge his pistol with shot when embarking on so grave
an enterprise. At least he would so arrange and plan it that the
deed should be orderly and systematic. From the very nature
of the event it is clear and evident as the sun that it is not the act
of such as Myself.”
So it was established and proven that the assassin had on his
own responsibility engaged in this grievous action and monstrous
deed with the idea and design of taking blood revenge
for his Master, and that it concerned no one else. And when
the truth of the matter became evident the innocence of
Bahá’u’lláh from this suspicion was established in such wise
that no doubt remained for anyone; the decision of the court
declared His purity and freedom from this charge; and it
became apparent and clear that what had been done with
regard to Him was due to the efforts of His foes and the hasty
folly of the Hajíbu’d-Dawlih. Therefore did the government
of eternal duration desire to restore certain properties and
estates which had been confiscated, that thereby it might
pacify Him. But since the chief part of these was lost and only
an inconsiderable portion was forthcoming, none came forward
to claim them. Indeed Bahá’u’lláh requested permission
to withdraw to the Supreme Shrines
[of Karbilá and Najaf]
and, after some months, by the royal permission and with the
leave of the Prime Minister, set out accompanied by one of the
King’s messengers for the Shrines.
Let us return, however, to our original subject. Of the Báb’s
writings many remained in men’s hands. Some of these were
commentaries on, and interpretations of the verses of the
Qur’án; some were prayers, homilies, and hints of [the true
significance of certain] passages; others were exhortations,
admonitions, dissertations on the different branches of the
doctrine of the Divine Unity, demonstrations of the special
prophetic mission of the Lord of existing things [Muhammad],
and (as it hath been understood) encouragements
to amendment of character, severance from worldly
states, and dependence on the inspirations of God. But the
essence and purport of His compositions were the praises and
descriptions of that Reality soon to appear which was His only
object and aim, His darling, and His desire.
For He regarded
His own appearance as that of a harbinger of good tidings, and
considered His own real nature merely as a means for the
manifestation of the greater perfections of that One. And
indeed He ceased not from celebrating Him by night or day for
a single instant, but used to signify to all His followers that they
should expect His arising: in such wise that He declares in His
writings, “I am a letter out of that most mighty book and a
dewdrop from that limitless ocean, and, when He shall appear,
My true nature, My mysteries, riddles, and intimations
will become evident, and the embryo of this religion shall
develop through the grades of its being and ascent, attain to the
station of ‘the most comely of forms,’
and become adorned
with the robe of ‘blessed be God, the Best of Creators.’
this event will disclose itself in the year [A.H. one thousand two
hundred and] sixty-nine,
which corresponds to the number
of the year of ‘after a while,’ and ‘thou shalt see the mountains
which thou thinkest so solid passing away like the passing of
the clouds’
shall be fulfilled.” In short He so described Him
that, in His own expression, He regarded approach to the
divine bounty and attainment of the highest degrees of perfection
in the worlds of humanity as dependent on love for Him,
and so inflamed was He with His flame that commemoration
of Him was the bright candle of His dark nights in the fortress
of Mákú, and remembrance of Him was the best of companions
in the straits of the prison of Chihríq. Thereby He
obtained spiritual enlargements; with His wine was He inebriated;
and at remembrance of Him did He rejoice. All of His
followers too were in expectation of the appearance of these
signs, and each one of His intimates was seeking after the
fulfillment of these forecasts.
Now from the beginning of the manifestation of the Báb
there was in Tihrán (which the Báb called the Holy Land) a
Youth of the family of one of the ministers and of noble
lineage, gifted in every way, and adorned with purity and
nobility. Although He combined lofty lineage with high connection,
and although His ancestors were men of note in
Persia and universally sought after, yet He was not of a race of
doctors or a family of scholars. Now this Youth was from His
earliest adolescence celebrated amongst those of the ministerial
class, both relatives and strangers, for single-mindedness,
and was from childhood pointed out as remarkable for sagacity,
and held in regard in the eyes of the wise. He did not,
however, after the fashion of His ancestors, desire elevation to
lofty ranks nor seek advancement to splendid but transient
positions. His extreme aptitude was nevertheless admitted by
all, and His excessive acuteness and intelligence were universally
avowed. In the eyes of the common folk He enjoyed a
wonderful esteem, and in all gatherings and assemblies He
had a marvelous speech and delivery. Notwithstanding lack of
instruction and education such was the keenness of His penetration
and the readiness of His apprehension that when during
His youthful prime He appeared in assemblies where questions
of divinity and points of metaphysic were being discussed,
and, in presence of a great concourse of doctors and
scholars loosed His tongue, all those present were amazed,
accounting this as a sort of prodigy beyond the discernment
natural to the human race. From His early years He was the
hope of His kindred and the unique one of His family and
race, nay, their refuge and shelter.
When the question of the Báb was noised abroad signs of
partiality appeared in Him. At the first He apprised His relatives
and connections, and the children and dependents of His
own circle; subsequently He occupied His energies by day and
night in inviting friends and strangers [to embrace the new
faith]. He arose with mighty resolution, engaged with the
utmost constancy in systematizing the principles and consolidating
the ethical canons of that society in every way, and
strove by all means to protect and guard these people.
When He had [thus] established the foundations in Tihrán
He hastened to Mázindarán, where He displayed in assemblies,
meetings, conferences, inns, mosques, and colleges a
mighty power of utterance and exposition. Whoever beheld
His open brow or heard His vivid eulogies perceived Him with
the eye of actual vision to be a patent demonstration, a latent
magnetic force, and a pervading influence. A great number
both of rich and poor and of erudite doctors were attracted by
His preaching and washed their hands of heart and life, being
so enkindled that they laid down their lives under the sword
dancing [with joy].
Thus, amongst many instances, one day four learned and
accomplished scholars of the divines of Núr were present in
His company, and in such wise did He expound that all four
were involuntarily constrained to entreat Him to accept them
for His service. For by dint of His eloquence, which was like
“evident sorcery,” He satisfied these eminent doctors that they
were in reality children engaged in the rudiments of study and
the merest tyros, and that therefore they must read the alphabet
from the beginning. Several protracted conferences
were passed in expounding and elucidating the Point and the
Alif of the Absolute, wherein the doctors present were astounded,
and filled with amazement and astonishment at the
seething and roaring of the ocean of His utterance. The report
of this occurrence reached the hearing of far and near, and
deep despondency fell on the adversaries. The regions of Núr
were filled with excitement and commotion at these events,
and the noise of this mischief and trouble smote the ears of the
citizens of Barfurúsh. The chief divine of Núr, Mullá
Muhammad, was in Qishlaq. When he heard of these occurrences
he sent two of the most distinguished and profound of
the doctors, who were possessed of wondrous eloquence,
effective oratorical talent, conclusiveness of argument, and
brilliant powers of demonstration, to quench this fire, and to
subdue and overcome this Young Man by force of argument,
either reducing Him to penitence, or causing Him to despair
of the successful issue of His projects. Glory be to God for His
wondrous decrees! When those two doctors entered the presence
of that Young Man, saw the waves of His utterance, and
heard the force of His arguments, they unfolded like the rose
and were stirred like the multitude, and, abandoning altar and
chair, pulpit and preferment, wealth and luxury, and evening
and morning congregations, they applied themselves to the
furtherance of the objects of this Person, even inviting the
chief divine to tender his allegiance. So when this Young Man
with a faculty of speech like a rushing torrent set out for Ámul
and Sarí He met with that experienced doctor and that illustrious
divine in Qishlaq of Núr. And the people assembled from
all quarters awaiting the result. His accomplished reverence
the divine, although he was of universally acknowledged excellence,
and in science the most learned of his contemporaries,
nevertheless decided to have recourse to augury as to
[whether he should engage in] discussion and disputation.
This did not prove favorable and he therefore excused himself,
deferring [the discussion] until some other time. His incompetency
and shortcoming thereby became known and suspected,
and this caused the adherence, confirmation, and edification
of many.
In brief outline the narrative is this. For some while He
wandered about in those districts. After the death of the late
prince Muhammad Sháh He returned to Tihrán, having in
His mind [the intention of] corresponding and entering into
relations with the Báb. The medium of this correspondence
was the celebrated Mullá ‘Abdu’l-Karím of Qazvín, who was
the Báb’s mainstay and trusted intimate. Now since a great
celebrity had been attained for Bahá’u’lláh in Tihrán, and the
hearts of men were disposed towards Him, He, together with
Mullá ‘Abdu’l-Karím, considered it as expedient that, in face
of the agitation amongst the doctors, the aggressiveness of the
greater part of [the people of] Persia, and the irresistible power
of the Amír-Nizám, whereby both the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh
were in great danger and liable to incur severe punishment,
some measure should be adopted to direct the thoughts of men
towards some absent person, by which means Bahá’u’lláh
would remain protected from the interference of all men. And
since further, having regard to sundry considerations, they did
not consider an outsider as suitable, they cast the lot of this
augury to the name of Bahá’u’lláh’s brother Mírzá Yahyá.
By the assistance and instruction of Bahá’u’lláh, therefore,
they made him notorious and famous on the tongues of friends
and foes, and wrote letters, ostensibly at his dictation, to the
Báb. And since secret correspondences were in process the
Báb highly approved of this scheme. So Mírzá Yahyá was
concealed and hidden while mention of him was on the
tongues and in the mouths of men. And this mighty plan was
of wondrous efficacy, for Bahá’u’lláh, though He was known
and seen, remained safe and secure, and this veil was the cause
that no one outside [the sect] fathomed the matter or fell into
the idea of molestation, until Bahá’u’lláh quitted Tihrán at the
permission of the King and was permitted to withdraw to the
Supreme Shrines.
When He reached Baghdád and the crescent moon of the
month of Muharram of the year [A.H. one thousand two
hundred and] sixty-nine (which was termed in the books of the
Báb “the year of ‘after a while’” and wherein He had promised
the disclosure of the true nature of His religion and its mysteries)
shone forth from the horizon of the world, this covert
secret, as is related, became apparent amongst all within and
without [the society]. Bahá’u’lláh with mighty steadfastness
became a target for the arrows of all amongst mankind, while
Mírzá Yahyá in disguise passed his time, now in the environs
and vicinity of Baghdád engaged for better concealment in
various trades, now in Baghdád itself in the garb of the Arabs.
Now Bahá’u’lláh so acted that the hearts of this sect were
drawn towards Him, while most of the inhabitants of ‘Iráq
were reduced to silence and speechlessness, some being
amazed and others angered. After remaining there for one
year He withdrew His hand from all things, abandoned relatives
and connections, and, without the knowledge of His
followers, quitted ‘Iráq alone and solitary, without companion,
supporter, associate, or comrade. For nigh upon two
years He dwelt in Turkish Kurdistán, generally in a place
named Sar-Galú, situated in the mountains, and far removed
from human habitations. Sometimes on rare occasions He
used to frequent Sulaymáníyyih. Ere long had elapsed the
most eminent doctors of those regions got some inkling of His
circumstances and conditions, and conversed with Him on
the solution of certain difficult questions connected with the
most abstruse points of theology. Having witnessed on His part
ample signs and satisfactory explanations they observed towards
Him the utmost respectfulness and deference. In consequence
of this He acquired a great fame and wonderful reputation
in those regions, and fragmentary accounts of Him were
circulated in all quarters and directions, to wit that a stranger,
a Persian, had appeared in the district of Sulaymáníyyih
(which hath been, from of old, the place whence the most
expert doctors of the Sunnites have arisen), and that the people
of that country had loosed their tongues in praise of Him.
From the rumor thus heard it was known that that Person was
none other than Bahá’u’lláh. Several persons, therefore, hastened
thither, and began to entreat and implore, and the
urgent entreaty of all brought about His return.
Now although this sect had not been affected with quaking
or consternation at these grievous events, such as the slaughter
of their Chief and the rest, but did rather increase and multiply;
still, since the Báb was but beginning to lay the foundations
when He was slain, therefore was this community ignorant
concerning its proper conduct, action, behavior, and
duty, their sole guiding principle being love for the Báb. This
ignorance was the reason that in some parts disturbances
occurred; for, experiencing violent molestation, they unclosed
their hands in self-defense. But after His return
Bahá’u’lláh made such strenuous efforts in educating, teaching,
training, regulating, and reconstructing this community
that in a short while all these troubles and mischiefs were
quenched, and the utmost tranquility and repose reigned in
men’s hearts; so that, according to what hath been heard, it
became clear and obvious even to statesmen that the fundamental
intentions and ideas of this sect were things spiritual,
and such as are connected with pure hearts; that their true and
essential principles were to reform the morals and beautify the
conduct of the human race, and that with things material they
had absolutely no concern.
When these principles, then, were established in the hearts
of this sect they so acted in all lands that they became celebrated
amongst statesmen for gentleness of spirit, steadfastness
of heart, right intent, good deeds, and excellence of conduct.
For this people are most well-disposed towards obedience and
submissiveness, and, on receiving such instruction, they conformed
their conduct and behavior thereto. Formerly exception
was taken to the words, deeds, demeanor, morals, and
conduct of this sect: now objection is made in Persia to their
tenets and spiritual state. Now this is beyond the power of
man, that he should be able by interference or objection to
change the heart and conscience, or meddle with the convictions
of anyone. For in the realm of conscience naught but the
ray of God’s light can command, and on the throne of the
heart none but the pervading power of the King of Kings
should rule. Thus it is that one can arrest and suspend [the
action of] every faculty except thought and reflection; for a
man cannot even by his own volition withhold himself from
reflection or thought, nor keep back his musings and imaginings.
At all events the undeniable truth is this, that for nigh upon
thirty-five years no action opposed to the government or prejudicial
to the nation has emanated from this sect or been
witnessed [on their part], and that during this long period,
notwithstanding the fact that their numbers and strength are
double what they were formerly, no sound has arisen from any
place, except that every now and then learned doctors and
eminent scholars (really for the extension of this report
through the world and the awakening of men) sentence some
few to death. For such interference is not destruction but
edification when thou regardest the truth, which will not
thereby become quenched and forgotten, but rather stimulated
and advertised.
I will at least relate one short anecdote of what actually took
place. A certain person violently molested and grievously
injured a certain Bábí. The victim unclosed his hand in
retaliation and arose to take vengeance, unsheathing his
weapon against the aggressor. Becoming the object of censure
and reprimand of this sect, however, he took refuge in flight.
1. |
9 July 1850.
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2. |
Atabát ‘Alíyat, literally Supreme Shrines, a term by which the Shí’ih Muslims referred to the cities of Kazímayn, Najaf, and Karbilá and generally applied to the region of eastern ‘Iráq, of which Baghdád was the center. When Bahá’u’lláh was released from prison and banished from Persia, He chose Baghdád for the place of His exile.
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3. |
That is, Bahá’u’lláh.
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4. |
Qur’án 95:4.
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5. |
Qur’án 23:14.
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6. |
1852. Hin, according to the Abjad notation, equals 68. Cf. The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Revelation, trans. and ed. Shoghi Effendi (Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1932), p. 18, note 1: In 1268 Bahá’u’lláh, chained in the Black Pit of Tihrán, received the first intimations of His Divine Mission, and that same year hinted of this in His odes.
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7. |
Qur’án 27:90.
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