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Paragraphs 81–117 |
81 |
But hear, O My brother, My plaint
against them that claim to be associated with God and with the
Manifestations of His knowledge, and yet follow their corrupt
inclinations, consume the substance of their neighbour, are given to
wine, commit murder, defraud and slander each other, hurl calumnies
against God, and are wont to speak falsely. The people attribute all
these deeds unto Us, whilst their perpetrators remain shameless before
God. They cast aside that which He hath enjoined upon them and commit
that which He hath forbidden. Yet it behoveth the people of truth that
the signs of humility should shine upon their faces, that the light of
sanctity should radiate from their countenances, that they should walk
upon the earth as though they were in the presence of God and
distinguish themselves in their deeds from all the dwellers of the
earth. Such must be their state that their eyes should behold the
evidences of His might, their tongues and hearts make mention of His
name, their feet be set towards the lands of His nearness, and their
hands take fast hold upon His precepts. And were they to pass through
a valley of pure
gold and mines of precious silver, they should regard them as wholly
unworthy of their attention.
82 |
These people, however, have turned aside
from all this and placed instead their affections upon that which
accordeth with their own corrupt inclinations. Thus do they roam in
the wilderness of arrogance and pride. I bear witness at this moment
that God is wholly quit of them, and likewise are We. We beseech God
to suffer Us not to associate with them either in this life or in the
life to come. He, verily, is the Eternal Truth. No God is there but
Him, and His might is equal to all things.
83 |
Quaff then, O My brother, from the
living waters that We have caused to flow in the oceans of these
words. Methinks the seas of grandeur are surging within them, and the
gems of divine virtue are shining within and upon them. Divest then
thyself of that which debarreth thee from this fathomless crimson sea,
and to the cry of “In the name of God and by His grace!”
immerse thyself therein. Let the fear of no one dismay thee. Trust in
the Lord, thy God, for He is sufficient unto whosoever trusteth in
Him. He, verily, shall protect thee, and in Him shalt thou abide in
84 |
Know thou, moreover, that in this most
hallowed and resplendent city thou shalt find the wayfarer to be lowly
before all men and humble before all things. For naught doth he behold
save that he perceiveth God therein. He beholdeth the effulgent
glories of God in the lights of His Revelation that have encompassed
the Sinai of creation. In this station the wayfarer must not claim the
seat of honour in any gathering or walk before others in the desire to
vaunt and exalt himself. Rather must he regard himself as standing at
all times in the presence of his Lord. He must not wish for anyone
that which he doth not wish for himself, nor speak that which he would
not bear to hear spoken by another, nor yet desire for any soul that
which he would not have desired for himself. It befitteth him,
rather, to walk upon the earth with undeviating steps in the kingdom
of His new creation.
85 |
Know, however, that the seeker, at the
outset of his journey, witnesseth change and transformation, as hath
already been mentioned. This is undoubtedly the truth, as hath been
revealed concerning those days: “On the day when the earth shall
be changed into another earth.”
These are indeed days the like of which no mortal eye hath ever
seen. Blessed is he that attaineth thereunto and realizeth their full
worth. “We had sent Moses with Our signs, saying unto him:
‘Bring forth thy people from darkness into light and remind them
of the days of God.’”
these are in truth the days of God, could ye but know it.
86 |
In this station, all changing and
varying realities are manifest before thee. Whosoever denieth this
truth hath verily turned aside from the Cause of God, rebelled against
His rule, and gainsaid His sovereignty. For it is indeed within the
power of Him Who changeth the earth into another earth to transform
all that dwell and move thereon. Wherefore marvel not at how He
turneth darkness into light, light into darkness, ignorance into
knowledge, error into guidance, death into life, and life into
death. It is in this station that the law of transformation taketh
effect. Ponder thereon, if thou be of them that tread this path, that
all thou didst ask of this owly One may be made plain unto thee and
that thou mayest abide within the tabernacle of this guidance. For He
doeth whatsoever He willeth and ordaineth whatsoever He pleaseth.
Nor shall He be asked of His doings, whilst all men will be asked of
their every deed.
87 |
O My brother! In this stage, which
marketh the beginning of the journey, thou shalt behold divers
stations and differing signs, even as was mentioned in connection with
the City of Search. All these hold true in their respective planes. It
behoveth thine eminence in this station to consider each created thing
in its own place, neither abasing nor exalting its true rank. For
instance, if thou wert to reduce the unseen world to the realm of
creation, this would be an act of sheer blasphemy, and the converse
would likewise be the essence of impiety. Wert thou, however, to
describe the unseen world and the realm of creation within their own
stations, this would be the undoubted truth. In other words, wert
thou to witness any transformation in the realm of the divine unity,
no greater sin could be conceived in all creation, but wert thou to
consider transformation in its own place and understand it
accordingly, no harm could befall thee.
88 |
By My Lord! Notwithstanding all that We
have revealed unto thee of the mysteries of utterance and the degrees
of exposition, methinks
I have spoken not a single letter of the ocean of God’s hidden
knowledge and the essence of His inscrutable wisdom. God willing, this
We shall erelong accomplish in its appointed time. He verily,
remembereth all things in their own place, and we, in truth, all yield
praise unto Him.
89 |
Know thou, moreover, that the bird that
taketh flight in the atmosphere of the realm on high will never be
able to soar unto the heaven of transcendent holiness, nor taste of
the fruits which God hath brought forth therein, nor quaff from the
streams which He hath caused to flow in its midst. And were it to
partake but a drop thereof, it would perish forthwith. Even as thou
dost witness in these days with regard to those who profess allegiance
unto Us, and yet perform such deeds, utter such words, and advance
such claims as they have. Methinks they lie as dead within their own
90 |
Comprehend, in like manner, every
station, sign, and allusion, that thou mayest perceive all things in
their own place and consider all matters in their proper light. For in
this station, the City of Divine Unity, are to be found those who have
entered within the ark of divine guidance and journeyed through the
heights of divine
unity. Thou shalt behold the lights of beauty upon their faces and the
mysteries of glory in their human temples. Thou shalt perceive the
musk-laden fragrance of their words and behold the signs of His
sovereignty in all their ways and doings. Nor wilt thou be veiled by
the deeds of them that have failed to quaff from the crystal springs
or to attain unto the cities of holiness, and who follow their selfish
desires and spread disorder in the land, all the while believing
themselves to be guided aright. It is indeed of them that it hath been
said: “These are the abject and foolish, who follow every
clamorous impostor and who bend with every changing wind.”
The stages of this journey,
station, and abode are clear and manifest to thee and require no
further explanation.
91 |
Know then that all thou hast heard and
witnessed that Daystar of Truth, the Primal Point, ascribe to Himself
from the designations of former times is only on account of the
weakness of men and the scheme of the world of creation. Otherwise,
all names and attributes revolve round His Essence and circle about
the threshold of His sanctuary. For He it is Who traineth all names,
revealeth all attributes, conferreth life
upon all beings, proclaimeth the divine verses, and arrayeth the
heavenly signs. Nay, shouldst thou gaze with thine inner eye, thou
wouldst find that all save Him fade into utter nothingness and are as
a thing forgotten in His holy presence. “God was alone; there was
none else besides Him. He remaineth now what He hath ever been.”
Since it hath been established that God—hallowed and glorified be
He!—was alone and there was none besides Him, how can the law of
change and transformation apply here? Shouldst thou reflect upon that
which We have disclosed unto thee, the daystar of guidance would shine
resplendent before thee in this everlasting morn, and thou wouldst be
numbered therein with the pious.
92 |
Know, moreover, that all that We have
mentioned concerning these journeys is intended for none but the elect
amongst the righteous. And shouldst thou spur on the charger of the
spirit and traverse the meads of heaven, thou wouldst complete all
these journeys and discover every mystery in less than the twinkling
of an eye.
93 |
O My brother! If thou be a champion of
this arena, speed within the lands of certitude, that thy soul may be
delivered in this day from the
bondage of misbelief, and that thou mayest perceive the sweet savours
that waft from this garden. Verily, the perfume-laden breezes that
carry the fragrance of this city blow over all regions. Forfeit not
thy portion thereof and be not of the heedless. How well hath it been
94 |
His fragrant breaths diffused in Eastern lands could well |
95 |
After this heavenly journey and mystical
ascent the wayfarer will enter within the Garden of Wonderment. Were I
to disclose unto thee the reality of this station, thou wouldst lament
and bewail the plight of this Servant Who remaineth in the hands of
these infidels, Who hath grown perplexed at his plight, and is lost in
bewilderment in this fathomless ocean. They conspire each day to put
Me to death, and seek at every hour to banish Me from this land, even
as they banished Me from another land. Yet this Servant standeth ready
before them, awaiting whatsoever the Almighty hath ordained and
decreed for Us. Nor do I fear any soul, encompassed as We may
be by such trials and tribulations as are inflicted by the wicked and
the malicious and surrounded at this hour by a myriad woes and
sorrows. “Noah’s flood is but the measure of the tears I have
shed, and Abraham’s fire an ebullition of My soul. Jacob’s grief is
but a reflection of My sorrows, and Job’s afflictions a fraction of My
96 |
Were I to recount unto thine eminence
the dire adversities that have befallen Me, thou wouldst be so grieved
as to forsake the mention of all things and to forget thyself and all
that the Lord hath created on earth. But as this is not Our wish, I
have concealed the revelation of the divine decree in the heart of
Bahá and veiled it from the eyes of all that move in the realm
of creation, that it may lay hid within the tabernacle of the Unseen
until such time as God will have revealed its secret. “Naught in
the heavens or on the earth can escape His knowledge, and He, verily,
perceiveth all things.”
97 |
As We have digressed from Our theme, let
Us leave aside these allusions and return to Our discussion of this
city. Verily, whoso entereth therein shall be saved, and whoso turneth
aside therefrom will assuredly perish.
98 |
O thou who art mentioned in these
Tablets! Know thou that he who embarketh upon this journey will marvel
at the signs of the power of God and the wondrous evidences of His
handiwork. Bewilderment will seize him from every side, even as hath
been attested by that Essence of immortality from the Concourse on
high: “Increase My wonder and amazement at Thee, O God!”
Well hath it been said:
99 |
I knew not what amazement was |
100 |
In this valley the wayfarers stray and
perish ere they attain their final abode. Gracious God! So immense is
this valley, so vast this city in the kingdom of creation, that it
seemeth to have neither beginning nor end. How great the blessedness
of him who completeth his journey therein and who traverseth, through
the assistance of God, the hallowed soil of this heavenly city, a city
in which the favoured ones of God and the pure in heart are overcome
with wonder and awe. And We say: “Praise be to God, the Lord of
the worlds.”
101 |
And should the servant ascend to even
loftier heights, quit this mortal world of dust, and seek to ascend
unto the celestial abode, he will then pass from this city into the
City of Absolute Nothingness, that is, of dying to self and living in
God. In this station, this most exalted habitation, this journey of
utter self-effacement, the wayfarer forgetteth his soul, spirit, body,
and very being, immerseth himself in the sea of nothingness, and
liveth on earth as one unworthy of mention. Nor will one find any sign
of his existence, for he hath vanished from the realm of the visible
and attained unto the heights of self-abnegation.
102 |
Were We to recount the mysteries of
this city, the dominions of the hearts of men would be laid to waste
in the intensity of their longing for this mighty station. For this is
the station wherein the effulgent glories of the Beloved are revealed
to the sincere lover and the resplendent lights of the Friend are cast
upon the severed heart that is devoted to Him.
103 |
How can a true lover continue to exist
when once the effulgent glories of the Beloved are revealed? How can
the shadow endure when once the sun hath shone forth? How can
a devoted heart have any being before the existence of the Object of
its devotion? Nay, by the One in Whose hand is my soul! In this
station, the seeker’s complete surrender and utter effacement before
his Creator will be such that, were he to search the East and the
West, and traverse land, sea, mountain and plain, he would find no
trace of his own self or of any other soul.
104 |
Gracious God! But for fear of the
Nimrod of tyranny and for the protection of the Abraham of justice, I
would reveal unto thee that which, wert thou to abandon self and
desire, would enable thee to dispense with aught else and to draw nigh
unto this city. Be patient, however, until such time as God will have
proclaimed His Cause. He, verily, rewardeth beyond measure them that
endure with patience.
then the sweet savours of the spirit from the garment of hidden
meanings, and say: “O ye that are immersed in the ocean of
selflessness! Hasten to enter the City of Immortality, if ye seek to
ascend its heights.” And We exclaim: “Verily we are God’s,
and to Him shall we return.”
105 |
From this most august and exalted
station, and from this most sublime and glorious plane, the
seeker entereth the City of Immortality, therein to abide forever. In
this station he beholdeth himself established upon the throne of
independence and the seat of exaltation. Then will he comprehend the
meaning of that which hath been revealed of old concerning the day
“whereon God shall enrich all through His abundance”.
Well is it with them that have
attained unto this station and drunk their fill from this snow-white
chalice before this Crimson Pillar.
106 |
Having, in this journey, immersed
himself in the ocean of immortality, rid his heart from attachment to
aught save Him, and attained unto the loftiest heights of everlasting
life, the seeker will see no annihilation either for himself or for
any other soul. He will quaff from the cup of immortality, tread in
its land, soar in its atmosphere, consort with them that are its
embodiments, partake of the imperishable and incorruptible fruits of
the tree of eternity, and be forever accounted, in the lofty heights
of immortality, amongst the denizens of the everlasting realm.
107 |
All that existeth in this city shall
indeed endure and will never perish. Shouldst thou, by the
leave of God, enter this sublime and exalted garden, thou wouldst find
its sun in its noontide glory, never to set, never to be eclipsed.
The same holdeth true of its moon, its firmament, its stars, trees,
and oceans, and of all that pertaineth thereunto or existeth
therein. By Him besides Whom there is none other God! Were I to
recount, from this day unto the end that hath no end, its wondrous
attributes, the love that My heart cherisheth for this hallowed and
everlasting city would never be exhausted. I shall, however, bring My
theme to a close, since time is short and the inquirer impatient, and
since these secrets are not to be openly divulged save by the leave of
God, the Almighty, the All-Compelling.
108 |
Erelong shall the faithful behold, in
the day of the latter Resurrection, Him Whom God shall make manifest
descending with this city from the heaven of the Unseen, together with
a company of His exalted and favoured angels. Great, therefore, is the
blessedness of him that attaineth unto His presence and beholdeth His
countenance. We all, verily, cherish this hope, and exclaim:
“Praise be unto Him, for verily He is the Eternal Truth, and unto
Him do we return!”
109 |
Know, moreover, that should one who
hath attained unto these stations and embarked upon these journeys
fall prey to pride and vainglory, he would at that very moment come to
naught and return to the first step without realizing it. Indeed, they
that seek and yearn after Him in these journeys are known by this
sign, that they humbly defer to those who have believed in God and in
His verses, that they are lowly before those who have drawn nigh unto
Him and unto the Manifestations of His Beauty, and that they bow in
submission to them that are firmly established upon the lofty heights
of the Cause of God and before its majesty.
110 |
For were they to reach the ultimate
object of their quest for God and their attainment unto Him, they
would have but reached that abode which hath been raised up within
their own hearts. How then could they ever hope to ascend unto such
realms as have not been ordained for them or created for their
station? Nay, though they journey from everlasting to everlasting,
they will never attain unto Him Who is the midmost Heart of existence
and the Axis of the entire creation, He on Whose right hand flow the
seas of grandeur, on Whose left
stream the rivers of might, and Whose court none can ever hope to
reach, how much less His very abode! For He dwelleth in the ark of
fire, speedeth, in the sphere of fire, through the ocean of fire, and
moveth within the atmosphere of fire. How can he who hath been
fashioned of contrary elements ever enter or even approach this fire?
Were he to do so, he would be instantly consumed.
111 |
Know, moreover, that should the cord of
assistance binding this mighty Pivot to the dwellers of earth and
heaven be severed, they would all assuredly perish. Great God! How can
the lowly dust ever reach unto Him Who is the Lord of lords?
Immeasurably exalted is God above that which they conceive in their
hearts, and immensely glorified is He beyond that which they attribute
to Him.
112 |
Yea, the seeker reacheth a station
wherein that which hath been ordained for him knoweth no bounds. The
fire of love so blazeth in his heart that it seizeth the reins of
constraint from his grasp. At every moment his love for his Lord
increaseth and draweth him nearer unto his Creator, in such wise that
if his Lord be in the east of nearness, and he dwell in the west of
remoteness and possess all that earth and heaven contain of rubies and
gold, he would forsake it all and rush forth to the land of the
Desired One. And shouldst thou find him to be otherwise, know
assuredly that such a man is a lying impostor. We, verily, all belong
unto Him Whom God shall make manifest in the latter Resurrection, and
through Him shall we be raised again to life.
113 |
In these days, inasmuch as We have
lifted not the veils that conceal the countenance of the Cause of God,
nor disclosed unto men the fruits of these stations which We have been
forbidden to describe, thou beholdest them drunk with
heedlessness. Otherwise, were the glory of this station to be revealed
unto men to an extent smaller than a needle’s eye, thou wouldst
witness them gathering before the threshold of divine mercy and
hastening from all sides to the court of nearness in the realms of
divine glory. We have concealed it, however, as mentioned before,
that those who believe may be distinguished from them that deny, and
that those who turn unto God may be discerned from them that turn
aside. I verily proclaim: “There is no power nor strength except
in God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.”
114 |
From this station the wayfarer
ascendeth unto a City that hath no name or description, and whereof
one heareth neither sound nor mention. Therein flow the oceans of
eternity, whilst this city itself revolveth round the seat of
eternity. Therein the sun of the Unseen shineth resplendent above the
horizon of the Unseen, a sun that hath its own heavens and its own
moons, which partake of its light and which rise from and set upon the
ocean of the Unseen. Nor can I ever hope to impart even a dewdrop of
that which hath been decreed therein, as none is acquainted with its
mysteries save God, its Creator and Fashioner, and His Manifestations.
115 |
Know, moreover, that when We undertook
to reveal these words and committed some of them to writing, it was
Our intention to elucidate for thine eminence, in the sweet accents of
the blessed and the well-favoured of God, all that We had previously
mentioned of the words of the Prophets and the sayings of the
Messengers. Time, however, was lacking, and the traveller who came
from thy presence was in great haste and eager to return. Thus have We
cut short Our discourse and contented Ourself with this much, without
completing the description of these
stages in a seemly and befitting manner. Indeed, We have omitted the
description of major cities and mighty journeys. Such was the haste of
the courier that We even forsook the mention of the two exalted
journeys of Resignation and Contentment.
116 | |
117 |
1. |
Qur’án 14:48.
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2. |
Qur’án 14:5.
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3. |
cf. Qur’án 21:23.
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4. |
From a saying of Imám ‘Alí.
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5. |
From the Díván of Ibn-i-Fárid.
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6. |
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7. |
cf. Qur’án 10:61; 34:3.
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8. |
From a Hadíth.
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9. |
From the Díván of Ibn-i-Fárid.
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10. |
cf. Qur’án 39:10.
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11. |
Qur’án 2:156.
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12. |
Qur’án 4:130.
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13. |
cf. Qur’án 50:30.
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