A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
Need of Baha’i Teachers all over the World |
He sincerely hopes that as a result of her (Mrs. Kehler’s)
trip the Cause will make a great progress in India and many
souls will be drawn into the Cause. It was surely very nice
and wise on the part of the National Assembly to appoint Mr.
Pritam Singh to travel with her and help her make openings
into intellectual circles. It is unfortunate, however, that she
cannot stay long in every centre and make really confirmed
believers such as she did in certain centres in Australia. But
perhaps the National Assembly will attend to that task and
keeping in touch with persons she will interest, and gradually
make them embrace the Faith and lend a help towards its progress.
We need teachers in every part of the world, and as
those who are in active service are few we should create some
from the material we have. It is the work of the N.S.A. to
attend to such matters and develop some of our young Baha’is
into competent teachers.
Baha’u’llah and the New Era to be Translated
into Urdu & Hindi
In a previous letter I informed you on behalf of Shoghi
Effendi that as we already have a translation of Dr. Esslemont’s
book into Gujrati, you concentrate your efforts on having it
rendered only into Urdu, so that the work may soon be completed
and published.
I trust you have by now taken the necessary steps for a
prompt and careful translation of the book into Urdu. This
service will, I am sure, be an added blessing to the masses
of India, whom you are striving so devotedly and energetically
to arouse and teach. May it prove a prelude to an
intensive and fruitful teaching campaign that shall bring in
its wake enlightenment, peace and hope to the distracted
multitudes of that agitated country.
Even though we can refer to a non-Baha’i when we have no
one among the friends to undertake a proper work of translation,
yet it is always preferable to have it accomplished by a
person who is imbued with the spirit and is already familiar
with the different expressions of Baha’i conceptions unfamiliar
to a non-Baha’i. Shoghi Effendi wishes him success and will
pray for his guidance.
Mrs. Ransom Kehler is now in Haifa taking some rest before
starting for Persia, where she expects to stay a few months.
Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear of her great success in
India. He hopes that she will after Persia pay another visit to
that country and resume the work she has started. She is
surely a very competent teacher and well versed in the Writings.
I trust and pray that you will be enabled to start promptly
the publication of the Hindi translation on one
hand, and to ensure, on the other, the early completion of the
Urdu version, both of which, I feel are indispensable preliminaries
to an intensive teaching campaign among the great
masses of the Indian people. I am confident that the publication
of the Gujrati version together with these and the
Burmese translations, will reinforce the impetus which the
projected visit of Mrs. Kehler to India next autumn will lend
to the onward march of our beloved Cause in India. May
the Almighty reinforce your labours and bless your high
Shoghi Effendi surely hopes that before long the Cause may
produce scholars that would write books which would be far
deeper and more universal in scope, but for the present this is
the best we possess to give a general idea as to the history and
teachings of the Faith to new seekers. After reading this they
get the necessary introduction to delve more deeply into the
fundamental tenets such as are explained in the Iqan.