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Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Australia, 1971 reprint
  • Pages:
  • 140
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Pages 24-25

Letter of January 31st, 1938

January 31st, 1938
Dear Miss Brooks,
The Guardian wishes me to express his loving thanks for your letter of the third instant, enclosing the half-yearly reports of the Perth and Auckland Spiritual Assemblies, all of which he has been delighted to read.
He wishes you to write the Auckland Assembly assuring them of his approval of the request they have made on behalf of Miss Kitty Carpenter for permission to visit Haifa. He has every hope that through this pilgrimage she will be greatly refreshed and strengthened spiritually, and will upon her return home impart to the friends in New-Zealand some measure of the inspiration she will gain through close contact with the Holy Shrines.
Before closing the Guardian also wishes me to express the hope that your N.S.A.’s plan of holding a meeting in Melbourne 25 during the course of this year may be realized, and that the occasion may serve to lend a fresh impetus to the growth of the Cause in that city. He is fervently praying for the success of your Assembly’s efforts in this connection.
Reciprocating your greetings and with renewed and warmest thanks,
Yours in His Service,
H. Rabbani.
[From the Guardian:]
Dear co-worker:
The work in which you and your dear fellow-members are so devotedly, so loyally and diligently engaged, is progressing in a manner that is highly gratifying and merits the highest praise. I feel increasingly proud of, and thankful for the achievements that signalize the rise of the administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in Australia and New-Zealand. Generations yet unborn will extol those qualities and virtues that have enabled you all to render such great services to our beloved Cause. Persevere, be happy and confident.