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Letter of 30 October 19491 |
As the Guardian already wrote the N.G.R., he feels that most of
the trouble which recently arose in the German community was
due to the fact that the believers everywhere did not seem to
know how to function administratively—almost everything
they did was irregular and this caused added confusion, more
wounded feelings, and confused the entire situation. He trusts
that by now the whole situation has been straightened out and
that the N.G.R. and the assemblies will work strongly and unitedly
for the fulfilment of their Plan.
He was very glad that dear doctor Grossmann could attend the
Brussels Conference. All the believers there were so happy to have
a German brother with them! Also, he has received reports of the
excellent teaching work on the Covenant that your dear husband
is doing. This is very important, especially at this time when
Ahmad Sohrab is trying to again become active in Germany.
I am deeply grateful to you for your constant and splendid services
to our beloved Faith. These services and achievements will, no
doubt, attract the blessings of Bahá’u’lláh. Rest assured that the
Beloved is well pleased with your accomplishments, and will
increasingly bless your high endeavours. May every obstacle be
removed from your path and the dearest wish of your heart fulfilled.
1. |
to Mrs Anna Grossmann
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