A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
THIS is an Epistle from Him Who is the true, the undoubted
Leader. Herein is revealed the law of all things for
those who fain would heed His Call or wish to be reckoned
among them that are guided aright. Herein is enshrined the
law of all things for such as would bear witness to the
Revelation of thy Lord in accordance with this clear
balance. Verily the ordinances of God concerning all things
were formerly set forth in eloquent Arabic. Indeed those
whose souls have been created through the splendour of
the light of thy Lord recognize the Truth and are numbered
with such as faithfully obey the One True God and are well
O Muḥammad! The Decree of thy Lord was fulfilled
four years ago; and ever since the inception of the Cause
of thy Lord I have warned thee to fear God and not to be of
the ignorant. I despatched a messenger unto thee with a
truly resplendent Tablet, but the followers of the devil
turned him away disdainfully and interposed themselves
between him and thee. They expelled him from the land
whereof thou art the undisputed sovereign. Thus hath the
good of this world and of the next escaped thee, unless thou
submit to the commandment ordained by God and be of
them that are rightly guided.
On My return from the sacred House of God
I sent thee
a Message similar to, nay even greater than the one I had
previously sent unto thee. Indeed God is the best protector
and witness. I despatched a messenger unto thee with
Epistles revealed by Me, that thou mightest obey the command
of God and not be of them that have repudiated the
Truth. The oppressor, however, committed a thing the like
of which no one would commit, not even any of the
wicked, nor anyone among the vile wrong-doers…
The tribulations which I have suffered in this land, no
one of old hath suffered. Verily unto God shall revert the
whole affair, and He in truth is the best protector and is
cognizant of all. The things which have, from the first day
till now, befallen Me at the hand of thy people are but the
work of Satan.
Ever since the Cause of thy Lord hath
appeared none of thy deeds hath been acceptable, and thou
hast been lost in palpable error while all thou couldst see
appeared to thee as deeds performed for the sake of thy
Lord. In truth thy day is nigh at hand and thou shalt be
questioned concerning all this, and assuredly God is not
heedless of the deeds of the wicked.
Dost thou imagine him whom thou hast appointed
Chancellor in thy kingdom to be the best leader and the
best supporter? Nay, I swear by thy Lord. He will bring
thee into grievous trouble by reason of that which Satan
instilleth in his heart, and verily, he himself is Satan. He
comprehendeth not a single letter from the Book of
God and is seized with fear by reason of that which his
hands have wrought. Fain would he extinguish the light
which thy Lord hath kindled, so that the old impiety which
is concealed in his inner being may not be revealed. Hadst
thou not appointed him as thy Chancellor no one would
have paid him the slightest attention. Indeed in the estimation
of the people he is naught but manifest darkness…
Fear thou God and suffer not thy soul to be chastised
beyond that with which it hath already been tormented;
for ere long thou shalt pass away and shalt declare thyself
clear of the devil whom thou hast appointed as thy Chancellor,
saying: ‘O would that I had not taken the devil as my
Chancellor, nor appointed an impostor as my guide and
Why dost thou burden thy soul with that which is far
more abject than the deeds of Pharaoh, and still callest thyself
one of the faithful? How dost thou peruse the verses of
the Qur’án, while thou art of the unjust? Never would the
Jews, nor the Christians nor any such people as have
rejected the truth consent to inflict wrongs upon the son of
their Prophet’s daughter. Woe betide thee, for the day of
chastisement is approaching. Dost thou not dread the
wrath of thy Lord, the Almighty, the Lord of the heavens,
the Lord of all worlds? Indeed these manifest verses are conclusive
testimony for those who seek true guidance.
I have no desire to seize thy property, even to the extent
of a grain of mustard, nor do I wish to occupy thy position.
If thou followest Me not, then unto thee be the things thou
dost possess, and unto Me the land of unfailing security. If
thou obeyest Me not, wherefore dost thou look disdainfully
upon Me and seek to treat Me with sore injustice?
Verily, behold My habitation—a lofty mountain wherein
no one dwelleth. Woe betide them that wrongfully do injustice
to people, and unjustly and deceitfully usurp the
property of the believers in violation of His lucid Book;
whereas I, Who, in very truth, am the rightful Sovereign
of all men, designated by the true, the undeniable Leader,
would never infringe on the integrity of the substance of
the people, were it to the extent of a grain of mustard, nor
would I treat them unjustly. Rather would I consort with
them even as one of themselves, and I would be their witness.
That which devolveth upon Me is but to mention the
Book of thy Lord and to deliver this clear Message. If thou
wishest to enter the gates of Paradise, lo, they are open
before thy face and no harm can reach Me from anyone.
Every missive which up till now I have directed unto thee
and unto the custodian of thy affairs hath been but a token
of My bounty to you both, that perchance ye may grow
anxious about the day which is nigh at hand. Nevertheless
from the moment ye waxed disdainful, divine judgement
was passed upon you in the Book of God, for in truth ye
both have denied your Lord and are numbered with them
that will perish… This is indeed My last reminder unto
you, and I shall make no mention of you hereafter, nor
shall I make any remark other than affirming you as
Unto God do I commit Mine affair and yours, and He
verily is the best Judge. Were ye to return, however, ye
would be granted whatever ye desire of earthly possessions
and of the ineffable delights of the life to come, and ye
would inherit such glorious might and majesty as your
minds can scarce conceive in this mortal life. But if ye fail
to return then upon ye shall be your transgressions.
Bear Thou witness unto Me, O Lord. By sending forth
this resplendent Epistle I shall have proclaimed Thy Verses
unto both of them and shall have fulfilled Thy Testimony
for them. I am well pleased to lay down My life in Thy
path and ere long to return to Thy presence. Unto Thee be
praise in the heavens and on the earth. Deal with them
according to Thy decree. In truth Thou art the best protector
and helper.
I beg forgiveness of Thee, O My Lord, for that which I
have uttered in Thy Epistle, and I repent unto Thee. I am
but one of Thy servants who give praise to Thee. Glorified
art Thou; no God is there but Thee. In Thee have I placed
My whole trust and of Thee do I beg pardon for being a
suppliant at Thy door.
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The Ka‘bah in Mecca
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cf. Qur’án 4:119
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