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79: The tongue of this lowly and grief-stricken … |
The tongue of this lowly and grief-stricken
maidservant is powerless to praise those loved ones
of God, and the words uttered by her are wholly
inadequate to pay a worthy tribute to the staunch
firmness and constancy, to the spirit of love, enthusiasm
and devotion that those servants of the
Kingdom of God are now manifesting.
Praise be to God that through the unfailing grace
of the Beauty of the All-Glorious and the manifold
blessings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá each one of them is
radiant as a star and shining like the moon in the
plenitude of its splendour. That glorious Being, the
incomparable Best-Beloved, graciously caused
every one of His true servants to become as a
brilliant lamp; while ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, that matchless
Beloved, transmuted the hearts of all those who
stand unswervingly firm in His Covenant and
Testament into a garden of roses—a garden embellished
with the flowers of true knowledge, faith and
assurance. Such evidences of divine bounty call for
thanksgiving, and in appreciation for this heavenly
grace and mercy it is essential to yield praise and
adoration to the Peerless Lord.
Although the leaflets prepared by that faithless
teeming with falsehood, slander and
calumny, proved to be a tempest of trials that swept
over those regions, yet it was powerless to do any
harm to trees that are deep-rooted, firm, and fixed,
nor could it inflict damage on structures that are
solid, mighty and strong. The blessed, the potent
spirit of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá will always protect and
shield the holy and sanctified beings, will assist
them, watch over them, and empower them to
remain firm as immovable mountains.
Truly that which you have done is appropriate
and the way you have reacted is highly fitting and
proper, because in the Will and Testament primary
emphasis has been laid on guarding and protecting
the Cause of God. Thus it has been revealed: ‘O ye
beloved of the Lord! The greatest of all things is the
protection of the true Faith of God, the preservation
of His Law, the safeguarding of His Cause and
service unto His Word.’ Praise be to God that those
blessed and enraptured souls who are enkindled
with the fire of His love have been graciously
assisted to preserve and shield the Faith of God.
You must have glanced at the idle words of that
faithless person—words that are wholly motivated
by selfish and personal interests. They are so futile,
senseless and absurd that even the babes of this
glorious Dispensation, rocked in their cradles,
would recognize how vain and preposterous, how
impregnated with subtle machinations they are.
How much keener then must be the discernment
of those distinguished beings whose substance of
life has been moulded by the gracious and bountiful
fingers of the Blessed Beauty and whose tree of
existence has been watered and fed by the
heavenly stream of His favour and providence.
Surely those luminous gems whose nostrils are
perfumed by the imperishable fragrance of holiness
and are endued with a keen sense of perception
will readily distinguish a loathsome odour, no
matter how slight it may be, from the sweet-scented
breeze blowing from the rose-garden of
His Oneness. They will easily recognize the words
of a conceited and malevolent one, though his
words be wrapped up in delicate terms and
phrases or take the guise of fellow-feeling, sympathy
and kindly wishes, from the genuine
expressions of truth and sincerity, of devotion,
piety and faithfulness.
Indeed, it is true to say that malice will cause
one’s intelligence and understanding to fade, and
the king of reason to become subservient to the
satanic self and its promptings. Time and again
has this matter been put to proof and the following
blessed passage from the Will and Testament
amply demonstrates this significant truth and
serves to heighten the sense of alertness and vigilance.
How wondrous is His Word: ‘No doubt
every vainglorious one that purposeth dissension
and discord will not openly declare his evil purposes,
nay rather, even as impure gold, would he
seize upon divers measures and various pretexts that
he may separate the gathering of the people of
The essential point is this: praise be to God, the
way of His holy Faith is laid straight, the Edifice of
the Law of God is well-founded and strong. He to
whom the people of Bahá must turn, the Centre on
which the concourse of the faithful must fix their
gaze, the Expounder of the Holy Writings, the
Guardian of the Cause of God, the Chosen Branch,
Shoghi Effendi, has been clearly appointed in conformity
with explicit, conclusive and unmistakable
terms. The Religion of God, the laws and ordinances
of God, the blessed teachings, the obligations
that are binding on everyone—all stand clear and
manifest even as the sun in its meridian glory. There
is no hidden mystery, no secret that remains concealed.
There is no room for interpretation or
argument, no occasion for doubt or hesitation. The
hour for teaching and service is come. It is the time
for unity, harmony, solidarity and high endeavour.
At the blessed Holy Shrines we earnestly pray that
divine assistance and confirmation be vouchsafed to
all of us. We continually receive joyous news of the
health and well-being of the Guardian of the Cause
of God and eagerly hope that the night of separation
may come to an end, that the period of bereavement
may soon expire and his blessed person may return
to this hallowed Spot with utmost joy and radiance.
All the blessed leaves join this lowly maidservant in
sending wondrous expressions of greeting to those
loved ones of God and the handmaids of the
Merciful. May the glory of the All-Glorious rest
upon you!
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27 May 1924, to the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Hamadán
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‘Abdu’l-Ḥusayn Avárih (see Bahá’í Administration, Bahá’í Publishing Trust, Wilmette, pp. 137–139).
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